Tuesday, June 19, 2012

day 29

When I am aware of the God self within me as my total fulfilment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that creative energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. i am now aware. I am now in the flow.

Visualizing all the fantastic job offers coming in before I finish my abundance work. Fantastic job offers coming in, with me starting to work in September.Fantastic pay, am very satisfied. Sending love to A's dad. Sending gratitude to him for transferring 2K on my account yesterday. Am grateful to him for more money is coming, much more money is coming from him with love to support his daughter

Sending lots of love to PE and to Fberg court. sending them lots of love to make a favorable decision in my case. Sending lots of love to H who will be representing me. So grateful to her.

Sending lots of love to H who will be the taxes in August. Lots of love to him and gratitude. Sending lots of love to money and visualizing 50K on my account arriving from all sorts of unexpected sources.

Sending love to ES who is about to contact me next week to let me know that I am proceeding to the next round and that they modified the position to make it super exciting for me.
Sending lots of love to TK and PS who are about to contact me next week to let me know that I am proceeding to the next round.
Sending lots of love to A that i will hear from them very soon that I need to travel to CH to interview.

sending lots of love to a fantastic man with whom I am about to have sex very soon. lots of love to him.

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