Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Conversations with the Owl

I asked yesterday what will happen tomorrow wrt J and the company things.
Owl: Nothing, You did your part, now it is your turn to rest and do nothing. The right people will come/approach you. Just wait and see.
Me: How long shouldd I wait?
O: A month or so
M: will something else happen tomorrow?
O Relax and enjoy. See above.
M: what about hte love of a child?
O yes its the child you were meant to have. Just wait and it will come. A great love of your life.
M Is it a man?
O No it is your child. It will be a surprize. You will be surprized.
M How is it related to RUssia?
O Just wait and see. Wait a month and things will be more clear.
M What will happen in a month
O Be patient

I was told that my mission for this trip is now completed. I need to enjoy.

M what is the purpose of J
O business, will help you will your goals. He can help you get here and achiee your goals. He can help you that/get you here.
M when?
O in two years you will move to Moscow.

The owl keeps telling me to relax. That things will now come themselves. Things like the love of a child.

Kazan' cathedral

I went to the Kazan' cathedral, the acting cathedral in the center of St. Petersburg. Well, when I approached the entrance, I saw women were putting something on their heads to cover them. I had nothing I could cover my head with. So immediately I felt resistance and did not want to go in, but I did. When I entered, I felt like I was not supposed to be here.

I really felt that I had to leave. But I still resisted, then suddenly I saw a vision of JC on the cross, who was showing me a finger pointing to the door. I did not believe I actually saw this, but then I saw it again: he was very persistant. I left after that.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

purpose of this trip

When I asked on the morning of the 19th what is the purpose of my trip to Russia, I got that this has to do with the love of a child or a love for a child. I could not understand how it is related to anything, but maybe this experience in the church today is something related to it?

The Saviour on the Spilled Blood Church

I had a very religious experience today. During the break in the congress I went to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (AKA The Saviour on the Spilled Blood) or церковь Спаса на Крови.

I felt I needed to go in, so I did. There were 2 very special frescos - the first one was of a man with a beard holding a baby in his arms. He was giving the baby to a woman (I guess maybe it was God giving Jesus to Mary). But I had a vision where I saw this man giving this child to me, I took it, held it, and then it turned into my daughter, my baby daughter - I felt so much love for her, I was so moved, I had tears. She gave me such a big hug and held on to me, and was almost asleep. I felt she loved me so much! This was a special experience.

I saw this man first giving me a child from the painting where he was, then identical vision where this man was standing on the floor and giving me this child.

Then there was another painting of Jesus surrounded by white light, walking forward and there were two people surrounding him, one on the right and another one on the left. Suddenly I had a vision where I saw him coming out from somewhere surrounded by the white light and I was standing there on his right side. As he passed me, he gave me a kiss on my forehead, so gently and lovingly, as if blessing me, forgiving me, absolving my sins. I was a bit shocked about this. I felt his lips on my forehead.. Then I moved away from this fresco and when I returned to it to try to repeat the experience, I could not find this fresco. So I did not find it. This was very surprizing.

Then I passed this souvenir shop where they were selling Russian painted eggs and there was one that moved me -it was an egg with a painting of madonna and a baby and the baby was wearing pink like it was a girl. I had to have it, so I bought it.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello from Russia

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I am now in Russia. Woo-hoo!!

I feel that I need to be here and this morning when I asked my new friend the owl, what this is about, I got that this is about a child. A love of a child. So let's see what this trip is leading to.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

another dream

I had another dream on Sunday night where I saw my sister in law pregnant - and she is 45 and then my mother in law told me that I will be pregnant in October-November.

I started my own preparations for this.I told my acupuncturist about this and asked for some extra treatments. she said that whatever she is giving me is supposed to help with this too. Then I am going to ask my teacher, S, for those Ayurveda pills she mentioned to promote uterine health. I have also been sending love to my uterus and ovaries for several days and it feels very good.

I am not sure who the father is, neither do I know if it is a natural pregnancy or not. I am asking AA Michael to guide me through this and to help me and to lead me to my highest good in this process.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

another dream

Last night I asked what I should do to help me with my business/mission, etc and got this dream with this poem - everything, everything everything is good, everything is as it should.
My feeling is that it is an affirmation and I need to affirm to help me with next steps, in everything, actually.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A dream about a new man

I asked yesterday what should I do to get this baby and had a dream in which I met a new guy. Two new guys actually. The first guy was a latin guy, from Latin America. He was a doctor. He was a short guy with dark hair, very interesting, very pleasant, I enjoyed talking to him but was not sexually attracted to him.

Then suddenly the dream switched to another guy who was very tall but very thin, he had this soft energy about him, this feeling of kindness and I was attracted to this guy. Very interesting. I do not know if it was a clairdream, but this was my thought.