Saturday, June 30, 2012

day 40

I keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.

Sending lots of love to my bank account. Sending lots of love to money. Visualizing 50K on  my account NOW. Visualizing my inflow of money being much greater than my outflow of money. And so it is!
Sending lots of love to myself. Visualizing myself being in touch with my body completely and quenching my thirst by drinking instead of eating.

Visualizing a job offer arriving, a fantastic offer, an offer that i cannot refuse. Being grateful that all these companies are standing in line to talk to me and interview me. sending love, lots of love to L. visualizing a fantastic offer coming to me. Visualizing T giving me a call next week and giving me a fantastic offer.

Sending lots of love to the new place where I am going to live. Lots and lots of love. Fantastic place, close enough to the city but yet quiet. next to the water and the forest or a park. Yes. A nice place, lots of space for us. Sending love to A's future caregiver. Visualizing that i found a fantastic caregiver for her, we are all so happy and get along so well. A is very happy and I am too and she really helps me with organizing and household chores. and so mote it be!

Friday, June 29, 2012

day 39

when i am aware of the god-self within me as my total fulfillment, i am totally fulfilled. i am now awaare of this truth. I ahve found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the actvity of the divine abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation  of that creative energy, which is continulously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness. i am now aware, I am now in the flow.

Sending lots of love to myself. Visualizing 50K on my bank account arriving from all possible sources. Sending love to my bank account. Sending lots of love to L. Visualizing T coming back to me with an offer that far exceeds my expectations. Visualizing getting a fantastic job offer for a great job that is right for me, with the right people, with flexibility of my working hours where I can balance work/life and be the perfect mom to A. Sending lots of love to my situation, sending love to my visa situation to resolve.

Sending lots of love to the lawyer i am meeting with Friday, visualizing the matter resolved with J having NO chance getting shared custody. visualizing that the matter with the bank is resolved with H paying his share. Sending love to H, sending love to the bank, visualizing H paying his share for the apartment.

Sending love to Ha before our meeting monday visualizing that she is gonna do the best job representing me in court. Visualizing the court going extremely well, with me being found not guilty and the creditor PE having to pay all the expenses. Sending lots of love to PE and the court. 
Visualizing myself having a super perfect weekend. Fantastic sun filled weekend! Visualizing my situation w J and taking A on holiday resolving to the best for all of us.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

visualizing a job offer

a job offer is on its way to me. a job offer that i cannot refuse! fantastic job, great money, great location. so the two of us (me and A) are moving to a new fantastic place. and my divine partner about to come into my life. a's dad respects my wishes and we have agreement on things. so fantastic!

day 38

My consciousness of the spirit within me as my unlimited source is the Divine power to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of Abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

Sending lots of love to myself and to my hair. Visualizing myself tomorrow waking up completely fresh and refreshed and full of energy, after i got enough sleep. sending lots of love to A's dad. Visualizing him taking the news that he wont spend the weekend w A very well. Sending lots of love to L. visualizing a job offer coming to me, an offer that exceeds my expectations by far. and so it is! my body is completely completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed.

sending lots of money to my bank account! lots and lots of love to my bank account. visualizing 50K on my bank account from all sorts of sources without having to repay anything back. And so mote it be.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

it was a success!

well it was a success I thought. The match between me and hiring manager was very good i think. the presentation went well. they commented on my passion about the topic. But I forgot my slides at home. haha. it was like the dog ate my homework. So i had to present without the slides. with the hiring manager the dynamic was a little strange but i think he liked me. He commented on the fact that we have similar working styles. iwill know next week.

day 37

the divine consciousness that i am is forever expressing its true nature of abundance. this is its responsibility, not mine. my only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

sending lots of love to myself. I will knock them dead. my mind will only be focused on the interview and on my presentation. They are loving me and i am loving them.  sending love to A's dad. sending love to the lawyer i am going to see next friday as she is going to give me good news about custody. sending love to him today when he arrives. i will knock them dead today!!! Yes. sending lots of love to H. sending her lots and lots of love.
am soooo full of energy, presenting there, filling up the room. Sending lots of love to BL, GE, TK and JT. lots and lots of love to them. Visualizing myself hitting it off with all of them. i am a great match for the job. I am the best person for the job. Visualizing myself saying exactly what i need to say to asnwer their question. I am the perfect match!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

my mood is getting better and better

visualizing myself getting up in super good mood tomorrow. full of energy and very happy and at peace. my body is completely relaxed. will knock them dead tomorrow!!!
they are loving it and they are loving ME!
and so mote it be!

Day 36

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and as a principle of supply in action, it is impossible for to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

I am a powerful manifestor.I keep my .mind of the physical matters and keep my mind on  love and keep my heart open. i trust that i can manifest what i desire. what i really desire.
keeping my heart on gratitude. feeling immense gratitude for having A in my life. am tremendously grateful. my heart is filled with love. i feel so much love inside. sending love to myself.

sending love to the situation with my apartment. visualizing it resolving itself. everything is going to resolve.
Sending lots of love to the job at L. Visualizing myself filled with love, grounded when i walk into the room. Visualizing me acing the interview. the interview is a total success! It is a huge success!!!! My presentation is a success!!! I am also going to sleep and get enough rest today and tomorrow so that  I am well rested before the interview. i am well rested before the interview.

feeling great later today and tomorow. feeling fantastic!! My presentation going fantastic!
visualizing multiple job offers are about to come my way. am grateful that all these companies are so interested in me that they want to hire me. thank you!

giving up the need to know what will happen tomorrow. giving up the need to know what happens tomorrow. giving up the need to know what happens tomorrow. i am fully present, fully in the now. and am grateful for it.

Monday, June 25, 2012

love is all we ever need :)

got a message from my ex lover about how hot i look with straight hair. hahaha. dream on dude!

Ok but sending love to myself. sending lots of love to myself. sending lots of love to Ye and Yu. sending prayers to keep Yu out of trouble and seek help.
Sending love to myself for wednesday. visualizing myself charismatic speaker, blowing these guys away with my presentation. letting go of the need to get L job. all i am is love. sending lots of love to BL, to myself, visualizing i do super well during my discussion. visualizing the job offer that is coming from L, a fantastic offer!
Sending lots of love to the new renter of this apartment. sending love to the place as i prepare to leave the place. sending love to the bank so that things with loan turned out acceptable and so mote it be!
am sending gratitude that so many companies are interested in me and can't wait to hire me. i am very very grateful.

day 35

money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore my supply is unlimited.

Sending love to my bank account. Visualizing 50K on my account arriving from all sorts of sources, completely unexpectedly. Sending love to myself. Visualizing myself being completely in touch with my body today, feeling when I am thirsty and drinking instead of eating. Visualizing the extra fat I have melting away, but preserving the fat in just the right places. I look GOOD now, I look perfect, look wholesome and look  hot! I look very appetizing. And I look very young. My face is completely smooth, I barely have wrinkles. I look 8-10 years younger than I actually am. Visualizing  myself keep looking young and being very happy. I am super happy. I am elated because my life is going in the right direction. I am very happy about myself and I am at peace.

Sending lots of love to J and to statsf who will be deciding about the custody. Visualizing them letting me keep full custody of A. Sending lots of love to CP, TK, GE, BL, JT and PS of L. Sending lots of love to them. Sending love to the room where I am going to have my interview and my presentation. Visualizing my presentation going super well! and being exactly what they want to hear and to know.

Seeing a job offer coming my way from L, with salary exceeding my expectations, with MM doing all the negotiating. Sending lots of love to the new place where I am going to live, big enough, with a garden that is reasonably priced and not far away, quiet and is in perfect location with free/abundant parking. Sending lots of love to A future caregiver who is perfect for her, speaks fluent English and is very affordable and does things around the house too.

Seeing myself going to a nice holiday with A, to a place with sun and beach and inexpensive. A place where she can enjoy some sun. 

Visualizing myself releasing all fears about loosing A or loosing her custody or looking her half-custody. I am to retain full custody of A and so it is. Letting go of all the fears.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

sending more love

sending lots of love to MM and visualizing him to come back to me liking my presentation and with constructive feedback about my presentation. visualizing myself practice it and being very animated and interesting speaker.
Visualizing my presentation being a success on Wednesday.  Visualizing the job offer coming in and them offering me a very high salary with MM negotiating it (without me being involved in negotiations).  Visualizing my interview being a complete success, me being completely comfortable in my own body. i am confident and i am who i am. this is what i have to offer - a lot. sending lots of love to BL, seeing our discussion of the test being a complete success and the results of the test being very good and what they are looking for.

sending lots of love to GE that we hit it off and the product is also super interesting to work on. Sending lots of love to TK and JT. lots and lots of love to them. visualizing me being super confident, filling up the room with my energy and being in charge of the room. I am a very charismatic speaker, the speaker who mesmerizes. my presentation comes from the heart. i just get up and start talking. very calm and confident.

sending lots of love to J, visualizing myself behaving with him in the right way. calm, setting direction, being in charge. maintaining my boundaries with him. visualizing me retaining full custody of A. sending lots of love to myself. I am loved. My body is completely at peace. I am completely completely relaxed. All is well in my world. Not just well, everything is SUPER well.
Visualizing the nice vacation spot we are about to go to with A. the place with the beach, the city and lots of sun, with moderate temperatures. warm ocean/sea. and so mote it be.

Visualizing myself letting go of all the people that no longer serve me. People that suck my energy. People whose contribution to my well being and development is zero. All of those people have to go. I am confident my intuition will guide me towards which people i need to let go of. already am thinking of one - TM. i am about to stop sms her.

sending lots of love to UCBP. Visualizing them inviting me for a second interview asap and me acing the interview. Visualizing myself getting multiple job offers. Yeah! it feels good. visualizing starting my new job in September.   and so mote it be.  sending lots and lots of love to my bank account and to money. visualizing 50K being deposited on my account asap. and so mote it be!

Sending lots and lots of love to my body, my stomach and my head of hair. Every little follicle on my head is nourished with blood. the hair is growing back! Yes! my whole body is relaxed, I am completely relaxed and feel surrounded by love. I am magnificent and I am magnificence.

day 34

thru my consciousness of my God self as my source , I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit.This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the presence of God within me is my supply.

Sending lots of love to myself. Visualizing myself full of energy, both mental and physical. visualizing myself taking a nap later in the day.  Visualizing myself finishing my presentation today and sending it to MM. And presentation being a success! Visualizing myself doing the test right now, filled with good energy. me having a feeling that the test is very easy and i have done very well.
sending lots of love to UCBP and am about to hear from them next week, early next week, with an invitation for another interview in Brussels  and so mote it be!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

sending love for tomorrow

sending love to myself for tomorrow. visualizing it being a productive day, my heart filled with love, filling out the test and doing so very well, easily and effortlessly.
visualizing myself preparing fo rhte interview wednesday with more business examples that are easily coming to my mind. preparation is going easily and effortlessly.  And so mote it be!

day 33

I am concsious of hte Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I amc onscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth.

Sending lots of love to myself today. lots of love to my stomach and intestines. Visualizing myself without any constipation, with my poop flowing out effortlessly without any straining. Visualizing myself listening to my body and listening when i am thirsty. Today i will only drink when I am thirsty. Will only drink when I am thirsty. I constantly watch when I want to drink and have a bottle available and quench my thirst and doing nothing else. I only eat when i am hungry.

Today it is going to be a great day!
I am sending love to the test i will take and visualizing myself doing fantastically well on the test. visualizing myself doing fantastically well during my discussions with BL at L. visualizing myself hitting it off with GE, my coming boss, and also acing it with my presentation to the 3 gentlemen. Sending lots of love to TK, JT. Visualizing myself confident and grounded.
Visualizing myself being confident at A's daycare. Very confident when i pick her up or deliver her.

Visualizing myself figuring out what i should do regarding the situation with custody. sending lots of love to myself and also to A's dad.
Sending lots of love to UCBP - to ES, OP, NR. Visualizing myself proceeding to the next round and a trip to Brussels with an overnight stay. And so mote it be!
Multiple job offers are on the way to me. Fantastic offers.Am so grateful that all these companies want to have me and to hire me.

It is going to be a fantastic day today!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

day 32

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence I Am is the source and Substance of all my good.

Sending lots of love to my stomach yesterday and today. Sending love to myself. Visualizing myself to be connected with my body, feeling every time  I am thirsty. Relinquishing  my thirst EVERY time I am thirsty instead of putting food in my mouth. Pouring water in my mouth EVERY Time I am thirsty instead of putting food. Visualizing myself eating only when I am hungry.
Sending love to my beautiful body.
Visualizing myself buying the most perfect gift for H, the gift that she likes very much. Visualizing myself having lots of fun at her birthday party today. Visualizing myself looking and feeling great.

Sending lots of love to A's dad and to statsf. Visualizing them allowing me keep sole custody of A. Visualizing A and I very happy together, having tons of fun. Visualizing A's dad and me having a warmer, friendlier relationship, with mutual respect.
Sending lots and lots of love to L for Wednesday from 4-6:30. sending lots of love to TK, GE, JT, BL. Visualizing myself hitting it off with GE and the project being super interesting. Visualizing myself doing super fantastic at the interview. Visualizing myself acing the personality test and presentation. Visualizing them offering me a job before the end of AP work, with fantastic pay.
And so mote it be!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

day 31

God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. this all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me.

Sending love to myself yesterday, i needed it. sending love to myself yesterday, to my body and to my soul. Sending love to my body today, especially to my stomach. Sending love to A's dad, lots of love to him. Sending love to the statsf.(the authorities) he is going to contact who are going to call us for a meeting regarding custody. sending lots and lots of love to them. visualizing them deciding in my favor.

sending lots of love to L - JT, TK, GE, BL - sending them lots and lots of love. Sending lots of love during my conversation with BL - lots and lots of love. Sending lots of love to the personality test i will fill out this weekend. Sending lots of love to the test - visualizing i fill it out well, fill very confident when i do it and discuss the results extremely well whilebeing at peace and being myself.  Visualizing my presentation going super well and being the topic that they think is relevant and my presentation being a huge success with me presenting very dynamically and being very charismatic. Seeing every interview that day being a total success and that they offer me the job. visualizing the job offer coming in before the end of my Prosperity Plan.
Sending lots of love to UCBP, visualizing that i hear from them in the next couple of days regarding the next steps.

immigration is alright

called immigration about the visa. was very pleasantly surprized. if i do get a job here, it will take a month to get my visa approved. that is super fast! so there is no problem at all. i am now at peace. my whole body and whole being is absolutely at peace.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

sending more love

sending more love to immigration, visualizing my visa situation resolving in the best possible way. and so mote it be.
Went to talk to lawyer about custody. A's dad s case is very weak. visualizing myself retaining full custody of A. and so it is!

day 30

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my financial and other affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me.

sending lots of love to myself, lots and lots of love. sending lots of love to my hair. seeing it growing strong and lots of it growing, especially in the front. sending lots of love to A. visualizing her completely healed. sending love to immigration. lots of love. seeing them process my visa within the shortest time possible.
Sending lots of love to the authorities. Visualizing me being able to keep the sole custody of A. I am her sole custodian.  and so mote it be.

sending lots of love to L -  JT, in particular. Sending him lots of love. Sending lots of love to BL, to the test she sent me. Visualizing me completing the test well and confidantly.Visualizing me discuss the results of the test very confidently.Sending lots of love to GE, visualizing us having great professional chemistry together. Sending lots of love to TK. Visualizing my presentation being a success and exactly what they want to hear. Visualizing that my visa issues are of no hindrance. visualizing them giving me a great offer regardless of my visa status. and so mote it be!

sending lots of love to UCBP - with great news following soon.
Sending lots of love to the person who will be taking care of A, who will be helping me with her. Lots of love to her! Visualizing that I got in touch with this person.  sending lots of love to the fantastic place where i am going to live next. sending lots of love to the man who is coming into my life.

hmm visa issues again

hmmmm just got a letter from immigration that while i have a right to live here, I dont have a right to work until my visa thing is processed. That is a bummer. I need to talk to a lawyer and then explain to the company what's up. ;( i dont know how long it will take to process my application. it has been almost a year.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

they just invited me back

L just invited me back for a second round!!! Will be doing a presentation, visualizing that it has the perfect content and it goes super well! Visualizing a total success of the interview. I am success! with a job offer following soon.

day 29

When I am aware of the God self within me as my total fulfilment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation, of that creative energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. i am now aware. I am now in the flow.

Visualizing all the fantastic job offers coming in before I finish my abundance work. Fantastic job offers coming in, with me starting to work in September.Fantastic pay, am very satisfied. Sending love to A's dad. Sending gratitude to him for transferring 2K on my account yesterday. Am grateful to him for more money is coming, much more money is coming from him with love to support his daughter

Sending lots of love to PE and to Fberg court. sending them lots of love to make a favorable decision in my case. Sending lots of love to H who will be representing me. So grateful to her.

Sending lots of love to H who will be the taxes in August. Lots of love to him and gratitude. Sending lots of love to money and visualizing 50K on my account arriving from all sorts of unexpected sources.

Sending love to ES who is about to contact me next week to let me know that I am proceeding to the next round and that they modified the position to make it super exciting for me.
Sending lots of love to TK and PS who are about to contact me next week to let me know that I am proceeding to the next round.
Sending lots of love to A that i will hear from them very soon that I need to travel to CH to interview.

sending lots of love to a fantastic man with whom I am about to have sex very soon. lots of love to him.

Monday, June 18, 2012

day 28

My consciousness of the Spirit within me as my unlimited Source is the Divine Power to make all things new, to lift me up to the high road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

I am sending love to my bank account, sending love to money, visualizing 50 K being deposited on my account. Sending lots and lots of love to my bank account, lots and lots of love.

Sending lots of love to A’s dad. Visualizing him transferring the money to me by tomorrow, at least what he is supposed to transfer or more.

Sending lots of love to these different companies, sending them so much love. They feel my love and they are standing in line to talk to me and to hire me. It is amazing and fantastic!! I am so grateful for their interest. Sending a lot of love to PS and TK of L, seeing them inviting me to a second round with me acing the second round too. Sending love to ES with him inviting me to the 2nd round of the job at UCBP that will be modified to fit my needs and interests. It is going to be a perfect job for me. And so mote it be.

Sending lots of love to D, visualizing them inviting me to an interview again with me acing it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

day 27

the divine consciousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Tereofre, i am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs. sending lots of love to I and E, especially I. Visualizing our visit going fantastically well and them loving the bread that i am going to bring to them. visualizing a fantastic visit where all of us feel super happy and A is very easy and behaves very well. visualizing that i eat only what i need, that i listen to my body. sending lots of love to my bank account and to money. visualizing 2K from J already on my account. visualizing more money from different sources on my account. and so mote it be! and waiting to hear from different places that i am proceeding further with interviews.

day 26

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experieence according to my nedsand desires, and as the Principle of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires. Sending love to L – and ppl at L – sending lots of to them. Visualizing me progressing to the next round. sending lots of love to UCBP and all the ppl at UCBP – visualizing me progessing to the next round, getting the job modified to be my dream job and getting a fantastic job offer there – a job offer that is impossible to turn down. Sending lots of love to D, visualizing myself proceeding further, going to Brussels and getting an offer from them. Sending lots of love to my divine partner. I know you are out thee and looking for me. I am sending you lots of love. Sending lots of love to myself and A, visualizing A completely healthy NOW. Visualizing myself in a super shape, toned and slim and in complete balance and harmony with myself and my surroundings.

Friday, June 15, 2012

day 25

money is not my supply. no person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the dinvine mind within me is my supply. my consciousness of this truth is unlimited, therefore my supply is unlimited. at the end of my abundance work, before day 40 I am getting my first job offer followed by more job offers. sending lots of love to TK, PS of L. seeing them coming back to MM (recruiter) with positive things about me and continuation of the process.seeing them offering me the job. sending lots and lots of love to ES,OP and NR. seeing them calling me for the next round and offering me a fantastic job. Fantastic job, fantastic job offer and expat tax rate. YES, and so mote it be. and sending lots and lots of love to my bank account and to money. lots of love to myself and to little A.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

sending more love

keep sending love to myself, my intestines, little baby A, visualizing A completely healthy and healed. sending her lots and lots of love, oceans of love. she is completely completely healed and healthy. And so it is!! Sending love to PS and TK and their HR person, lots of love, to be invited for a second round of interviews. Sending lots and lots of love to them. Sending lots and lots of love to OP, ES and NR and SJ to be invited for a second round of interviews which i am also going to ace. Sending lots of love to A in CH to be invited and ace my first round of interviews there. Sending lots of love to M in CH to be invited to an in person interview and ace it. Sending lots and lots of love to OS, S d R and TM of D, lots of love to them. Visualizing multiple fantastic job offers coming my way. multiple offers. visualizing me signing the best contract, with the best terms, for a job that is my heart's desire. And so mote it be.

success at interview

and i think it was a success, my interview. :)

day 24

Thru my consious of my God-self as my source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the presence of God witin me IS my supply Sending lots of love to myself. Taking very deep breaths. Feeling deeply relaxed and at peace. Sending lots of love to TK, PS, CP at L, lots and lots of love. seeing them loving me and me acing the interview today. And so it is! My whole body is relaxed and at peace.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

day 23

I am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this mind of infinite prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth. I am responsible for my abundance, for abundance mindset. All I need to do is send love and things will come back to me. Sending love to myself and to my daughter, visualizing her completely healed. Sending love for tomorrow to TK and PS and to the whole company of L. Sending them lots and lots of love. Sending lots of love to myself for tomorrow, as I am full of energy and enthusiastic and about to ace this interview. sending lots of love to A's dad for sending me money. Sending love to money and to my bank account. lots and lots of money to my bank account. sending lots of love to A of CH and all the people I am supposed to meet there. Sending lots and lots of love to ES, OP and NR, to UCBP for inviting me to the next round and offering me the job with fantastic pay. Thank you!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

day 22

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine presence I am is the Source and Substance of all my good. I am God and create my reality. All I need to do is to keep my mind and heart on what I want. I am sending lots of love to all these companies, sending them lots of love. Sending love to my bank account, sending love to money, sending it lots and lots of love. Sending love to myself and to my baby who is getting better by the minute. Waiting for UCBP to call me for a second in person interview, sending love to OP, ES and NL and SJ who is the head. Sending them lots of love. Sending lots of love to TK and PS at L, sending them lots and lots of love!!!! Sending love to OS, TM and SdR, covering them with love. multiple job offers are on their way to me. fantastic offers. All i need to do is pick and choose. and so it is!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

day 21

God is lavish, unfailing abundnce, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. Tis all providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the Reality of me. I am God and I create my reality. Sending love to ppl I met today - ES, NR, OP - lots and lots of love to them. Sending lots of love to the position. Lots and lots of love. Seeing multiple job offers come my way. Sending love to myself, sending love to UCBP. seeing myself acing this interview and being invited to the next round. And so it is. Sending lots and lots of love to the job. seeing it transformed to my dream job!!! sending lots of love to A today and tomorrow, seeing her completely healthy tomorrow and me full of energy, going for a run.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

sending more love

sending more love to myself tomorrow when i wake up at 4:45 full of energy and ready to go! Sending lotss of love to myself and the plane i am going to be on so that i can rest and sleep if i need to. sending lots of love to Brussels, sending love to ES, NR and OP - lots and lots of love!!! lots and lots of love. sending them love straight from my heart. sending myself lotsof love to ace the intervivew and get a great job offer. sending myself love to be authentic, to be myself, to be happy, to be enthusiastic. and so it is!

day 20

I keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acnowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my financial afairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my fairth in the principle of abundance in action within me. sending love to my bank account. Sending lots of love to m bank acccount. Sending love to money. Sending love to my apartment, for it to be fixed by the right person almost for free.Sending lots of love to money. Sending myself so much love. Sending love to my stomach, my intestine, and my desire to fill myself up, sending love to my cravings. seeing myself completely loving myself and craving free. Seeing myself without any need to use food for emotional comfort or boredom. When I bored, from now on, I send loving thoughts to myself, I send myself love. When I have cravings, I send myself lots of love. At the same time, I eat a very balanced diet. Sending lots of love to A's dad. Seeing 6,5K of child support money on my account now. and so it is.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

day 19

when I am aware of the God-self within me as my total fulfillment, I am totally fulfilled. I am now aware of this Truth. I have found the secret of life, and I relax in the knowledge that the Activity of Divine Abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be awareof the flow, the radiation, of that creative energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my Divine Consciousness. I am now aware. I am now in the flow. I am completely and totally filfilled in my life. I feel very grateful for everything I have. I feel deeply grateful, profoundly grateful. Grateful for having been given A. So grateful. Grateful that i am able to continue living in my apartment and pay my bills without working at all. I am profoundly grateful. Grateful that i can put food on the table. My life is amazing. So grateful. So full of gratitude, sending it out to the universe. Sending gratitude that so many companies want to see me and want to hire me. So grateful that job offers are starting to come in the mail now and i am about to sign a contract for my dream job. so grateful i have the whole weekend to myself wihtout A. so grateful that he is so involved. so grateful for his help. So grateful that my ex is helping me by being involved in my life and by helping me in other big ways. so grateful. sending lots of love to him. so grateful that my ex MIL is so involved and is helping me take care of A. so thankful to her!!!! so grateful that I am going on a short trip to Brussels, that I am going to be so full of energy when i wake up at 5 am, so happy to be going and so grateful and excited! So happy to meet these people f2f. so grateful and happy that this meeting is going to go super well. Thank you!

Friday, June 8, 2012

child support

Ha! My guides told me to apply for increased amount of child suppport. I was sure I would not get it, but I did. I got increased child support from February. So A's dad ows me quite a lot of money. Great! Keep sending him love, now can see all of the money being deposited on my account.

day 18

typed a lot but it got deleted. Sending lots of love to ES, NR, irene and O at UCBP. sending tons of love to OS, TM, SR and their MD. Sending love to the whole city of brussels. Sending love to myself on Monday at 5 am when I am going to get up full of energy and very vibrannt. Sending love to TK and PS. Sending love to the whole company of L. seing and hearing getting a call from UCBP that i got the job regardless of the competition. sending love to their accountants to set up an expat tax agreement for me. Seeing multiple job offers coming my way, fantastic very well paying job offers!!! sending lots of love to money, sending love to my bank account.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

sending love to Iren

sending love to iren for getting me such an early flight, i have to be at the airport at 5:30. sending love and sending love to myself and to the plane and to the whole airport. I know i will be able to sleep well and will be very fresh when i arrive.

day 17 of AP

The divine concsiousness that I am is forever expressing its true nature of Abundance. This is its responsibiity, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this truth. Therefore I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs. I am love. All I am is love. Sending love to everyone, including myself. Sending lots of love to mothers in my mothers' group. Sending love to A. Loving everyone and everything today.Seeing fantastic job offers in the mail.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

day 16

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs ad desires, and as the pricnciple of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires. Sending lots of love to myself today. I really really need it.Need to find another way to find inner peace. Sending love to A. lots of love. Sending love tó my intestines and to my heart.Lots and lots of love to me. Sending lots of love to ES + the crew before my interview on MOnday. sending them lots of love. Sending lots of love to TK and PS before my interview at L on thursday next week. Sending lots of love to A. in CH. Sending lots of love to OS and LC and the manager that is supposed to talk to me. Seeing multiple job offers coming to me. Sending love to all these companies, seeing lots of fantastic offers coming back. And so it is.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

day 15

Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowedge of the all providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore my supply is unlimited. I am my own supply. Because of god within me I create the reality of mylife. All i need to do is keep an eye on what I want and send love to the situation. Sending love to my beautiful slim body, my intestines, my stomach. Sending love to myself and to my heart, and to my hair. Seeing myself completely healed and perfect, with my head full of beautiful hair. Sending love to OS at D and to their managing director, sending love to the case I need to do, that I actually would love to do. Sending love to PS and to TK at L, lots of love to them, seeing myself acing that interview. Sending love to my bank account and sending lots of love to money. Sending love to the apartment appraisal people regarding my apartment. Sending love to ES and his crew and UCBP and seeing job offers and contracts pouring in to me with love. Seeing myself signing the contract with UCBP and being so happy about it. Sending love to my free apartment in Brussels where I am going to live for 6 months. Sending love to my current apartment that i am going to fix cheaply and rent out to very good renters with rent providing surplus. And so it is. And sending love to my beautiful A. Sending her lots of love so that she would sleep well tonight and sending myself love too so that I could also sleep well tonnight and wake up refreshed ready 4 my interview. Sending love to my divine partner. I know we are going to meet very very soon. I saw you and know you are ready for me now as i am for you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

day 14 of AP

Through my consciousness of my god self, the Christ within as my source, I draw ito my mind and feelingnature the very substance of Spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the Presence of God within me is my supply. I am God and can create what I want in my life. Right now I am sending lots of love to myself. Lots and lots and lots of love. Sending love to my stomach, inside and outside. Inside my stomach, to my intestines. Sending them lots of love. Sending lots of love to my hair. Lots and lots of love and to my skin and to my whole body. Breathing in this love I feel for myself. Sending lots of love to my knees and to the spot behind my knee on my right leg, the spot that hurts or spasms when I run. Sending it lots of love. Will stretch it with love and care before and I after I run from now on. And will rub it with love. Sending lots of love to my baby A. Sending love to my divine partner who can feel it and moving towards me. I saw a vision of him yesterday, during my run, he is a man in his mid 40's, was riding his bike and he is in a SUPER shape. He is also very sharp and slim. A fantastic man with dark hair. Sending love to him. I will wait for you for as long as needed. it will be soon. He is almost ready for me and I am too. surrounding him with lots of love straight from my heart. Sending lots of love to PS and TK from L. Cant wait to meet these guys on Wednesday. I know I am going to ace my interview. I am going to kick ass! Sending them love and sending love to the whole company!!! Seeing fantastic job offers coming my way. Sending love to my tax payment situation with my ex. Sending love to him. lots of love! lots of love to PE and my ticket situation and also sending love to the court, especially to the judge. Seeing the perfect person helping me with translations during the hearing on the phone. The person is here. Sending him/her lots of love!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

day 13 of AP

I am conscious of the Inner Presnece as my lavish Abundance. I am consious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consiousness is filled with the Light of Truth. I am aware that i have divine spark inside me. My love can do miracles. I am sending love to A's dad, sending lots of love to my bank account, sending love to A, sending love to myself, sending love to my body, sending love to PS and TK from L, sending love to the whole organization. Surrounding it with love. Sending it soooooo much love. Sending love to ES and Iren from UCBP. Sending lots of love to A and recruiter that connected me with the company. Bathing it iwth my love. Seing my job offer arriving in the mail where I am surprized that their offers are more generous than I anticipated. Seeing contracts being prepared as I type this post.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

sending love to D

sending love to my ex sister in law, sending her so much love, seeing her surrounded by love!!! so happy for her she is enjoying the summer, her life, relaxing in her apartment, and enjoying delicious cherries. sounds so fantastic and she deserved it all!!!

day 12 of AP

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine presence I am is the Source and Substance of all my good. Sending love to myself and to my body, my beautiful head of hair, my sculp, my hair follicle. Sending love to my body to relax in every single cell. Sending love to my beautiful baby A. Sending love to my day today and envisioning myself being full of energy. Sending love to my bank account and to money. Money is constantly flowing into my life. Sending love to IM from UCBP to schedule my meetings and to ES and NR. Sending love to the whole organization. Several job offers are on their way and contracts are being written as I type this. here is to a fantastic fun filled day today!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 11

God is lavish, unfailinng Abundance, the rich omnipresent subsgtance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the Reality of me. What does it mean to me? I am God and create my reality. Sending lots of love to myself. Am very happy and grateful that I just woke up. So nice to get enough sleep. Sending lots of love to NR, to ES from UCBP, lots and lots of love. Illumininating their path in love. Sending lots of love to people at A in Switzerland, lots and lots of love. Sending lots of love to TK and PS at L. TK and PS really like me and really want to hire me. They are convinced that I am the right person for this position and that I am the ONLY person for this job. So they really want to hire me for this fantastic position!!! Keep sending them love, to all of them, sending love to all the job offers and contracts that are about to come in the mail to me. Sending love to money and to my bank account. Sending lots of love to A's dad. Sending love to my divine partner who can feel it and who is on his way to me.