Thursday, May 31, 2012


had an amazing talk with ES, he is def very interested. now sending lots of love to NR from UCBP. Lots and lots and lots of love.

day 10 of AP

I keep my mind and htoughts off "this world" and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me. I trust that I am on my way to get the good stuff. I trust that the good stuff is happening to me now. I trust the Universe in its ability to provide for me. I trust myself for making the right decisions and for listening to my intuition and my heart. I know that ES is very interested in me and is going to invite me to visit his office and eventually offer me the job. And so it is. Sending lots of love to him right now. Am so grateful for the opportunities to travel and to present myself and that these companies all want me. Life is fantastic!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

day 9 of AP

From now on, I am in the flow. I reap my rewards, the ones that come from awareness of my God-self. I am sending love to everything and things come back to me. Things flourish in my life. ES wants to hire me. He is very interested and thinks that I am the best person for the position. I keep sending him love as he arranges for my tickets to be bought and for me to arrive to meet me in person and to congratulate me for getting the job. Keep sending love to the money, to my bank account. Spent the best day with A today. So grateful!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 8 of AP

My conc of the spirit within me as my unlimited source is the divine power to restore the years the locusts have eaten, to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of abundant prosperity. this awareness, understanding and knowledge of spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire. I am God and create my own reality. Feeling grateful now for the day i spent with my daughter. So grateful. She laughed, I laughed, we ate together, we walked together, we played together. Sending love from my heart to her, the sleeping angel next to me, before I take her and put her in her own bed. sending love to myself, also an angel. Touched her soft skin, kissed her delicious head, took her warm hand in mine. So ´special. After she spent 3 days with her dad, I think she missed me. She kept following me to the kitchen, crawling on the floor like a little doggie. Glad I did not send her to daycare today. So happy she is hear. So grateful. can't imagine my life without her in it. Her dad was so touched and so proud when she waived him good bye. I myself was very surprized but he was happy. He did not want to leave. Sending love to the companies, all these companies. They want to hire me. The job offers are being written as i am typing this. They cant wait for me to start. all i do is prepare for job interviews nowadays. Fantastic that they are so interested. Sending love to ES at UCBC with whom I am speaking tomorrow. Lots of love to him!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

day 7 of AP

The Divine Conc that I am is forever expressing its true nature of abundance. This is its responsibility, not mine. My only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs. All I need to do is listen to my heart and let my intuition guide me once I set a course to my life. Isn't it simple? Isn't it amazing? I am very grateful that the truth is so simple and life should be without any struggle. All I need to do is be grateful, be happy and enjoy life. Living with an open heart, sending love to my baby and myself, sending love to DB, sending love to H's mom, A's dad, my mom. And sending love t myself, first and foremost. Sending love to the companies who are standing in line to hire me. Sending them lots of love and sending love to my bank account and to all my bills that need to be paid.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 6 AP

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires,and as the principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires. I manifest all that I need. Once I need it and focus on it with my heart, and then let go, it is given to me. Therefore my life is in my own hands. I focus on wealth, on abundance and it will be given to me. I am filled with love and filled with gratitude for my life today. I get to spend as much time with my daughter as I want to, it is such a fantastic experience! I am eternally grateful for it. Also I am eternally grateful that she spends a lot of time with people who love her, myself, her dad and has a good time in her daycare. I am eternally grateful that she exists. I am so grateful that she opened my heart with a magic wand, that because of her I know the intense feeling of love like I have not known it before. My heart is open, love and light streams out of it, and surrounds everything in its light. It surrounds the companies that all want to hire me with love, I am sending them so much love that they feel it and respond to it and are standing in line to hire me. Sending love in particular to UCBP, to ES whom I will speak with next week, and to PS and TK at L with whom I am meeting the week after. Sending them so much love. Sending love to OS at D too. I am sending love to my bank account, sending love to money that is about to come to me, sending love to A's dad, sending love to all my creditors, like PE and to the tax office who miscalculated the area of my apartment. It is incredible how much love I have in my heart. And amazing. I am love!!! I am love in its purest form.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 5 of AP

Itt is only me who is my own supply. My supply does not come from any other person or condition. I am the creator of my reality, the creator of my supply. All I need to do is focus on love

Friday, May 25, 2012

day 4 of abundance plan

thru my conc of my God self, the Christ within as my source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my conc of the God within me is my supply. I am my own supply as I am God and God´-like. I create all the situations in my life, I create all the problems i have and therefore I can create the solutions. Yes my perception of the day was not good, but in reality the day was neutral and i learned great lessons today. I learned that i take criticismm very well and i acknowledge what i do wrong without any drama attached to it. if I do not know something, I no longer try to cover it up. I have done a magnicicent work in self-improvement and I am a fantastic mother, I am doing my best, under all circumstances. The rest can go fuck themselves if they do not think so. Sending love to myself today and to my little angel. we both need it. sending lots of love to us both. These are the only two people I can send love to today. And sending love to the situation I am in. And a success was great conversation with LG, my bankman. That was SUPER! I can see this thing definitely works.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 3 of Abundance Plan

I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth. I am very much aware of the fact that I am a master Manifestor and creator in my own right as I create my own reality. Therefore it is very clear to me that what happens to me is up to me. All i need to do is to keep my heart open, send love, and then things will be as they should, all the issues and challenges will be solved in the best possible way, for my best possible good. All my bills will be paid with love and all the creditors that i need to speak with, i will speak with them with love. Love, love, love. Love is all I need for my issues to be solved. Sending love to LG with whom I will speak in a few minutes. Sending him a lot of love. Sending lots of love to OS for our talk tomorrow. Sending love to Belgium, Brussels because it is there I would like to move next. Sending light and love to my conversation tomorrow. I am the beacon of light and love. Everything else is just an illusion.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

picture of my angel

Was asked to post a picture of my angel, but since this blog is completely anonymous, at least for now, I am not quite ready to do that. I will think about it. But thank you so much for your interest.

day 2 of abundance plan

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the divine presence I AM is the source and substance of all my good. I am constanly focused on me being the cause and the reason for abundance. the money flows to me like a river of bliss not because I focus on the money but because I constantly am aware that i am the source or rather God within me is the source. I focus upon it daily. I focus on it daily to create the flow in my life. I send love to everything including money. Money feels it and comes to me all the time, constantly, from unexpected sources. It comes to me all the time to allow me to pay all my bills with a lot of love. I send love to all my creditors daily and the money keeps appearing to pay for everything I have to pay. my heart is overfilled with love and gratitude for money, love and gratitude for every single gift I have in my life.It is overfilled with gratitude that the companies are standing in line to talk to me and to hire me. I am eternally grateful that the job offers keep pouring in and the contracts are currently being written and are on their way to me. Thank you Lord for giving me these gifts. Thank you for creating my fantastic life. I am eternally grateful! I am the source of all, all that is good in my life. My heart is open and radiating so much love towards every living creature on this planet. I send love especially to my creditors, to BU from XX Bank, send him so much love that I cannot wait to talk to him tomorrow on the phone about my situation. I keep sending love to PE, the lawyer, about my parking ticket and cannot wait to contact him to talk to him. I keep sending love to the tax office who miscalcualted the area of my apartment so that now I am taxed higher than I am supposed to. I cannot wait to write to them tomorrow! Really look forward to that. Also keep sending love to TK and PS from L., keep sending love to all the recruiters who did not get back to me yet, but who will of course. Keep sending love to ES from UBCP, lots of love, sending love to OS from D. Sending him lots of love before my talk to him on Friday. Sending lots of love to Brussels, the heart of Europe, where i would like to move next. Sending love to the location where I am now. Love, love love, nothing else is coming from my heart. I am sending love to my hair, and to every single particle in my body. Sending love to my ex and sending love to J. Him I am sending lots of love to. Sending love to money, straight from my heart. Sending love to all these companies that are standing in line to talk to me and to hire me. Sending love to my Divine partner who is waiting for me and who is aware of my presence and who is moving towards me. Sending him love from my heart. I know he can feel me. I can feel him surrounded by love and send him even more love.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Prosperity Plan day 1

God is la vish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. the all providing source of infinite posperity isindividualized as me - the reality of me. I am God. I create my reality. God is within me. As long as I focus on love and abundance and infinite gratitude, I can manifest anything i desire. I see all of my bills being paid with love and joy. My heart is so open. it is full of love. I spread my love out to the universe, to every living being on the planet. I can see pink light from my heart enveloping anything and everything in so much love. I am LOVE. I am sending love to all of my potential employers. Surrounding them with LOVE. they can feel my love and coming back to me with interview requests and job offers and contracts in the mail with very high compensation becasue they value me so highly. They all want to hire me. They are so interested. They feel that i have so many things of value. they are fighting over me. And I am sending love to all of them. Sending love to D, L, UCBP, R, A, F and all the the people that arein touch with me. The contracts are being written already, they can't wait to get me on board. most of all sending lots of love to my beautiful little daughter, the light in my life - I love her so much it touches me to tears.