Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Through my consciousness of my God self as my source, I draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit. This substance is my supply, thus my consciousness of the presence of God within me is my supply.

Sending love to my bank accounts. Lots and lots of love. Visualizing my balances increasing very much.  and so it is!!

Visualizing myself signing contract and starting my dream project by 1 March!! And so mote it be!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


I am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of the this mind of infinite prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the light of truth.

Visualizing signing fantastic contract NOW. Visualizing myself starting work by 1 March at the best possible place for me. And so mote it be!!
Sending love lots of love to all my potential employers. Visualizinng them feeling my love and coming closer and closer. Visualizing me picking the best possible contract/project for me. And so it is!!!

questions and answers

what do I want to achieve?
To make sad people happy. To give them hope. to make them believe. I am leading people to a beautiful serene place were they are in touch with themselves. fully aligned and in touch w their own truth.
 Grounded and centered.
I am inside the room sitting on the throne. Things are running smoothly by themselves. i am sitting and resting and holding space.  People know what to do because they are inspired to be their best. They are in control but i set the direction and the vision.
I feel at ease. Feeling it is my right place.

Whom and what are you serving? Life itself. I serve the universe.  I serve for the highest good of all mankind.  What you are serving? Success and flow.  Who is your god or goddess that you are serving? Aphrodite. Zeus.
What is true in your heart to serve?   Improvement in people's lives. Alleviation of suffering. Turning hopelessness into hope.
Where are you leading people to? To be their very best. TO be in touch w their full potential. To be true to themselves.  Do you want them to be your underdogs, do you lead to fun, or do you lead people to help you achieve your own goals? Do you want them to find happiness? To be who they truly are. To find their voice. To help them grow. To be authentic. Grow into their full potential.
What world do I wish to see, what would I love for the people whom I lead? harmony. Fulfillment.  What is my part to bring that into fruition? to be a leader. to create. use my intuition and creativity. Inspire others to be themselves.

Monday, January 29, 2018


I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the divine presence I am is the source and substance of all my good

Visualizing signing contract and  starting my new project on 1 March. Fantastic amazing project where I can be as creative as I want to be and where I feel that I am serving from my heart. And so mote it be!!
Sending lots and lots of love to people from NN. Visualizing them returning to me w great news!! and so it is!!!

reflection on self-worth

  1. How do you measure your self-worth?                                                                                                If I work I feel I am worth more. If I have a successful career and am being productive. If I am being a perfect mother. If I *behave* well. If I respond adequately to people who offend me. Having money.  Being able to go on holidays. Being able to spend money.  Being dressed well. Being able to provide for my child.     Being able to serve people by doing reading that make a difference in their lives.       Being in a good relationship.  high salary.                                                                                                                                        
  2.  How do you define success?                                                                                                                     Success means to me professional success. And being able to take a short break from work.  being able to afford to take time off.     Also landing a guy. Being married.   Making a lot of money.                                                                                                                                                              
  3. Do you feel a shift is needed in either area?   Yes making more meaning out of relationship w my kid.   Detaching my self-worth from work or a guy. Changing my definition on success.                   
  4. How might you alter your current standards to be less superficial and more focused on what really matters in life?  Stop Tying success to happiness.  Being more in the moment. Being more present and listening to my soul.           Feeling I am good enough. also as a parent. I am good enough and I deserve to be present for every good moment of  my life! I am worthy of all great things.      Look  for evidence well lived.                                                                                                                             
  5. Is your inner critic more vocal when you are in certain situations or around particular people?          Professionally yes around big bosses. I feel very small. Like i don't deserve. I also feel like an impostor. Also around A's caregivers. feeling not good enough of a mom. She disrespects me or doesn't listen to me.                                                                                                                               
  6. What changes might you make to minimize your exposure to those situations or people?  wear a shield. Not hang out with such parents that  bring me down. Expand my energy. Practice being friendly by looking at pics of friendly people. Smiling at men.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

d 11

God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. this all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me

sending a lot of love to project in Dk. Visualizing it to be the perfect project for me. Te most perfect. Visualizing them sending me a contract and giving me the best possible salary. Visualizing me starting my new project on 1 March.  and so it is!! Sending lots and lots of love to NN.  Lots of love. Visualizing that I am the most perfect candidate and me being a total success. visualizing all the practicalities around this project working out so perfectly and finding best possible care for A. and so mote it be!!!

visualizing me starting my new fantastic project on 1 March. Project that makes me so very happy!! and so  it is!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2018


I keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the principle of abundance in action within me now.

Visualizing a fantastic opportunity I am working on. I love coming to office every day. Being there makes my heart sing. Visualizing it lasting 1.5 to 2 years. and so mote it be! Visualizing signing my contract wit fantastic pay and starting my new project on 1 March. And so mote it be!!!
Visualizing me being very happy! also calm and patient and loving with me and A.

Friday, January 26, 2018


when i am aware of the god-self within me as my total fulfillment, i am totally fulfilled. i am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the activity of the divine abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation of that creative energy, which is continuously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness. i am now aware, I am now in the flow.

Visualizing me being totally in the flow and being contacted about several great opportunities. Sending love to these opportunities and visualizing picking the one tat is the most serving for me and them. The best possible opportunity in the most perfect location for me and A. Opportunity that also provides abundance for us. visualizing signing contract and starting working in February. And so mote it be!
Sending lots and lots of love!!  
visualizing many opportunities coming to me. Many many. visualizing an abundance of opportunities and they all want me. Sending them all lots of love. sending lots of love to my clients. Lots of love from my heart.
visualizing resolving my financial situation. and so mote it be!!

Thursday, January 25, 2018


My consciousness of the spirit within me as my unlimited source is the Divine power to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of Abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire

visualizing me starting my amazing fantastic project where I feel a strong sense of purpose and service NOW. And so mote it be!! visualizing myself being very sure about it and my success. Visualizing my new project being a success. And so mote it be!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


the divine consciousness that i am is forever expressing its true nature of abundance. this is its responsibility, not mine. my only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

visualizing me starting the most fantastic project/ob for me. Amazing projects and great people. I am happy to go to work. sending love to my potential employers. they feel my love and come forward. visualizing me signing the contract. and so mote it be!!
visualizing me finishing my novel and setting up my spiritual business and getting clients. Sending lots and lots of love to my clients visualizing them coming to me in great number. They need help and they know tat i can really help them.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and as a principle of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

Sending lots and lots of love to my projects and employers. Lots of love from my heart. Visualizing them also seeking me . I am the right person for them with just the right experience. Visualizing signing a fantastic contract for 1.5 years and moving to CH with my daughter. And so mote it be.
Visualizing us both safe and sound and the transition to the new life to be seamless. Finding a fantastic school for her that fits her well and settling down well at the new place.
And so mote it be.

i am back

I am back!!! To be continued.