Friday, March 20, 2009

I am so grateful

My first ever real workshop where I teach people to connect with their angels will take place on 25 April. I believe I already have 3 people who signed up. I am so grateful for this, I cannot really express the gratitude in words.

Today I received an email from one of the women who would like to take the course and she said to me she was grateful that she was able to take this workshop. That touched me so, it really touched my heart and my eyes filled with tears as I felt so grateful that I am able to make such a big difference in these people's lives.

I feel such a huge responsibility, I feel that it is my role to help them get in touch with their hearts, and open them up to the guidance of their angels to ensure they lead the best life they could possible lead. It is such a big role, and my ego is scared and makes me want to hide and run away, but I know in my heart that these people need me now and if I cannot do this work, then who else will help them? And this makes me stay and continue, despite my shyness, despite my fears.

I am sending all of them love. I am surrounding all of them in a pink cloud of love straight from my heart.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Not in a good state of mind at the moment

I am not in a good state of mind at the moment. I am sad about H and me. I love him so much but feel that it is our time to say good byes. I am realizing that it is not him who is a bad guy who cannot return to me or cannot pay for me to come to Germany. It is just how the circumstances are. He is a wonderful guy, so sweet and I love him so much. I love him dearly. He is my friend, lover and a confidant.
But I feel I am spending a lot of energy to heal myself and it is my focus right now. I need to nurse myself back to health, whatever it takes. I cried yesterday to my mother. Not about loosing but about being alone, not having a family, moving to this shitty country for him and being alone in the end. And on top of it, being sick. I cried and cried. Today I cried because the prospective pain of loosing him set in. I cried and screamed like a wounded animal but I feel it is something I MUST do, let him go. Maybe in May.

Readings in a bookstore

Well, what happened was I was very sick, with a fever but still I pushed myself to come. Before I went I asked how many clients would come and got that it was 3 clients, so 45 min.

Then I had a man who came. He was in distress and I think I really helped him a lot. But he was the only one. He spent with me about 40 min but I only charged him for 15. So maybe this was that (3 clients = 1 client of 40 min). It was so cold, and I was afraid I will get sick. I did not feel so well towards the end and wanted to leave but in general it was a good learning experience. I had some questions that I asked on the board and got answers, so it was OK. I got my issues resolved.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 33

My consciousness is filled with the light of truth when I am aware of me being divine and being the source of my own abundance and prosperity. That means I can manifest anything I want, anything my heart desires. I am focusing right now on manifesting love, fun and gratitude in my life.

I am very grateful that yesterday I was able to sleep. Thank you! I am grateful because my workshop went well and I got very good feedback. I am grateful because tomorrow I am going to be at the bookstore doing reading. I can see people sitting there waiting for me. I am sending them love. I am sending love to all the customers who will come to see me tomorrow.

I am sending love to myself. I am sending love to H, my mom, his family. I am sending love to all my clients, so much love. I see them enveloped with this pink cloud of love. I have so much love for them. Thank you.

I am grateful that this girl M sent me a very nice email to thank me for the session. Which means she liked it. I am so grateful for this. I am sending her so much love.

I am focusing on fun in my life right now. I am manifesting friends, and fun activities to come into my life NOW.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Angel workshop yesterday

The angel workshop yesterday went well. I had 4 beautiful and wonderful women. I loved them.I think they liked it too!
I did intro, then cleared their hearts and did the chanelling. It was wonderful!

day 32 (done on 9 March 2009)

I am the source and substance of all my good. I am very grateful for today. I had a fantastic session. My client was happy and so was I. I am so grateful I could be of service to her. So grateful.

I am sending her a lot of love, love, love. I am also sending love to myself and my clients. I m sending love to H, my mom, his mom. I am so grateful for this. Grateful I could help. I am sending love to the 5 women tomorrow who are coming to my Angel event. I am sending love to the room. I am sending love to the people who are coming to see me on Saturday. So grateful. I feel gratitude to be of service. Thank you. I was touched to tears by the light I saw inside my client's heart. I am so blessed to be able to be in touch with my feelings and be moved. thank you!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

day 31

I am God. I am omnipresent and powerful creator of my own reality.

I am very grateful today because I had a fantastic day. We spent a very relaxing morning together and visited H's relatives. It was a nice visit, with great food. I so enjoyed the food and the desert and the sausages were divine!
Then we went for a nice walk, really nice. The air was so crisp, it was warm and the sun was shining. I am grateful for this experience.
I am also grateful for I chanelled some information for H which is actually something for me. I am happy that I am able to do this, and that my connection to the Source is so strong. I can hear information so very clearly! Thank you for this.

I am also grateful because I feel full of love today. I am grateful that tomorrow my client is coming. I am sending her a lot of love. I am grateful that on Tuesday I have my Angel event, I am sending love to the 5 women that are attending. Lots of love. Sending love to the place where the event will be held. Thank you. Thank you that I am so in touch with the love in my heart.
I am also grateful because the event went perfectly well (divinely) well. I received a lot of information about what I should do. So grateful.

Also so grateful that this week is my event at the bookstore. I am grateful for the clients that are coming. I am sending them so much love. I love them so much!! Thank you for giving me this ability to love and to feel that my heart is filed with love.

So grateful for that.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

day 30

I place my faith in God. I place my faith in myself as the Divine being that is connected to God. I have faith in myself and my abilities to manifest the reality I desire. I am now aware of this truth that I am a master manifester and am manifesting only positive experiences in my life.

I am also aware that I am moving forward towards manifesting my heart's desires. Easily and effortlessly I am getting in touch with my heart to manifest what I desire.

I am filled with gratitude today for I had a fantastic day. Great weather, nice walk, the sun was shining, a perfect day. Cannot get any better. I am also grateful because I am filled with love today. I am sending love from my heart to myself, H, the universe, my mother, his family and all human beings. I am sending love to my clients, I am sending them a lot of love. I am sending love to the girl who is coming on Monday. I am sending love to the 3 women who want to take my workshop. I am sending them a lot of love. I am sending lots of love to all the women who are signing up for my workshop.I am sending a lot of love to the women who signed up for my angel event on Tuesday. I am so happy that I feel so much love towards them. I will be of great service to them and they will also teach me things. They will teach me about love.

I am sending lots of love towards my activities related to RUssia. I am surrounding Russia and the company with a lot of love. I am grateful that I can be in touch with this love. Thank you!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

day 29

I am now aware of the truth that I am a master manifester and can manifest any reality I want. I am now aware. I am now in the flow.

I am very grateful because I had a very good meeting today. I am grateful because I could function today and got many things done. I am grateful because I am in good spirits. I am grateful because I am in touch with my source of love. I am grateful because my client is coming next week and TUesday I have my workshop. I am sending my clients a lot of love, straight from my heart. Thank you, I am so grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives.

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

day 28

I can get anything I desire. All I need to do is manifest and trust and it will be there.

My lesson now is to TRUST. Trust the guidance that I receive.
I am very grateful today as the girl who wanted to see me is coming. She is coming next week and I am grateful that she chose me as her teacher. I am also grateful for sleeping today. Thank you. I am also grateful for the wonderful message I got at the kinesiologist today. Thank YOU. I will be following my guidance from now on, no detours.

I am filled with love, sending this love from my heart to myself, my loved ones, and the universe, and to every human being. I am sending my love to the beings of light. I am sending lots of love to my clients, and to the 3 girls who are going to sign up to my workshop. I am sending lots of love to the people who are going to sign up for the workshop in April and who signed up for the Angel event in March.

I am enveloping them in the pink shield of love. They are SO loved. They are surrounded by angels and divine light. I am so happy for them because they will begin a transformation that will drastically change their lives for the better.

I am so grateful that my heart is open and that I can be in touch with my source constantly. I am so happy!

today at the kinesiologist

Today I went to a kinesiologist who told me that there is nothing wrong with me. She tested me and nothing absolutely nothing was wrong. Just like my friend M when she did a clairvoyance for me, she saw that there was nothing wrong.
The kinesiologist told me that I need to start living from my heart. Btw this morning I got a message that I need to listen to her and do what she recommends. I need to follow things that make me feel like the angel readings and workshops. This is what is good for me. THen the energy in my body is circulating and I have enough energy to regenerate and heal myself. She asked me if there was an area of my life where I was not listening to my own guidance and I told her that it was my personal life as I was told that I need to leave H, but I have not done so.

But it was a good visit, she balanced me, it was all good.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

day 27

I need to let go. I need to TRUST. Follow my divine guidance step by step without questioning. My responsibility is to know that I am Divine that mysoul is divine and is providing everything I need or desire and trust my guidance that will take me to where I am supposed to go, to lead me to manifestation of my desires.

I am so grateful today as I had a fantastic day. My manager offloaded a lot of work off my shoulders. Thank you for this. I can relax and enjoy and I am relaxing and enjoying. I am grateful that 3 people have signed up for my workshop in April. I am sending them love, surrounding them in love. I am sending love to myself, to H, to his family, to my mother and to every living creature on this planet. I am surrounding the planet in pink light of love.

I am grateful today as I have an idea what I am going to teach at my workshop on Tuesday. I am grateful as I know I got angels on my side supporting me leading me through this. I am happy I have 5 wonderful women joining my workshop. This is so wonderful. I am sending them LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. I am grateful that people gave me advice about my workshop, and that includes Doreen. That I need to have fun and everyone will have fun. HOw true. I am grateful for this advice. Thank you very much.

I am grateful for the guidance I got today that I need to follow the advice that my kinesiologist will give me tomorrow. Thank you very much for this. I am very grateful.

Monday, March 2, 2009

day 26

My supply is unlimited and therefore all of my needs and desires are fulfilled. All I need to do is wish for and the subject of my true desire will materialize.

Right now I am wishing for the feeling of gratitude. I am very grateful to the Universe for my life. I am so grateful eternally grateful for my day today where I was so productive.
I am so grateful that I have so much love inside and am in touch wiht this love. I am so grateful that today I am sleeping 8 hours and getting uninterrupted sleep. And so it is. I am grateful and full of love for my clients, for H, for his sister, for his mom. Thank YOU! Thank YOU. I have so much love for my mother. I am sending love from my heart to all of them. I am enveloping the universe in a pink shield of love. I LOVE so deeply. I am love. I am love itself. Thank you very much for being able to feel this love deep in my heart.

I am also so grateful that my workshop is coming up so soon and I have so many ideas how I should prepare for it. Thank YOU.