Tuesday, June 12, 2012

day 22

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine presence I am is the Source and Substance of all my good. I am God and create my reality. All I need to do is to keep my mind and heart on what I want. I am sending lots of love to all these companies, sending them lots of love. Sending love to my bank account, sending love to money, sending it lots and lots of love. Sending love to myself and to my baby who is getting better by the minute. Waiting for UCBP to call me for a second in person interview, sending love to OP, ES and NL and SJ who is the head. Sending them lots of love. Sending lots of love to TK and PS at L, sending them lots and lots of love!!!! Sending love to OS, TM and SdR, covering them with love. multiple job offers are on their way to me. fantastic offers. All i need to do is pick and choose. and so it is!!!

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