Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new test results

Ok, got new test results the ones I did in the states. I knew it that if I lived in the states, they would have discovered the problem already.
My total iron is too high, % transferrin saturation is too high and another parameter is too low. Also the RDW is decreased as well. Ferritin is normal however.
Maybe it is iron overload -hemochromatosis. At least it gives me something I can go back to my doctor with and demand more investigations. Something IS happening, it is not what they told me "lack of balance". I am sure it is some kind of very rare problems which these people here are not so good at figuring out but with my intuition, I will help them and myself.
Some of the symptoms are there: hair loss, bronzing of the skin, etc.

I jusst did a kinesiology on this and it does seem to be iron overload although not chemochromatosis and it looks like the treatment for me will not be blod letting; instead, they will find a reason for this abnormality.

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