Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 8

My consciousness of the spirit of God within me is my unlimited source of all. That means I can manifest any reality I want, including the best reality, including my heart's desires. I can manifest those easily and effortlessly, as long as I believe, am aware, and am not afraid to receive.All I need to do is be aware and believe and I shall receive anything i want.

I am so grateful for today. I had a fantastic day again. I finalized the agenda for my meeting in 2 weeks, all the guests are coming, then I meet a friend for coffee/desert and we had a fantastic time together. I am grateful for having a lot of energy to do this, and grateful that people are very interested in what I am doing with regard to my spiritual stuff. I am grateful that I had a lot of energy today and was in a good mood, especially after lunch. I am so grateful.

I was so grateful that I was able to help H with his resume and that he was grateful for my help.I am grateful that I was able to sleep today until 8:30 and showed up for work at 10:30. I am grateful t hat m y schedule is so flexible allowing me to do what I want.

I am grateful that I was informed about a meeting taking place in Russia, so I can learn more about what happens there. I had a very nice desert today, a suffle, I am grateful that I was able to enjoy every bite (I am glad it was small though :))

I am love, love, pure love. My heart is filled with love and I am very grateful that I am so in touch with it and that my heart is so open and receiving.

I got some good news from my friend, the summer Butterfly and I am so grateful for her presence in my life. So grateful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your Blog.