Monday, January 5, 2009

day 56

my inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires.
Therefore as the principle of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

I am a master manifester with unlimited ability to manifest what I want according to my needs and desires. It is not possible for me to have any unfulfilled needs as I always can manifest what I want and need easily and effortlessly.

I have a lot of love that I am ready to share with the world. This love is coming from my heart and permeates my whole being. I love myself so very much. I am the apple of my eye. I feel this love coming from my heart and returning back to my heart, enveloping my whole body, my whole being. I love myself so much! I love life, I am so grateful for my life.
All I want to cultivate is a feeling of grattitude for what I have. I am so grateful that I have these people in my life. I am so grateful for having H in my life, I am so grateful for living here, as I was taught so many important lessons. I am filled with gratitude and filled with love.

I love so many people. I love my clients, I love them with my whole heart. I am grateful for being a channel of divine love from the universe to them, from me to them. I am grateful for being able to channel love, love in its purest form. My clients love me, I feel how happy they are and how loved they feel when they come to see me.

I am grateful for the angel messages I deliver as all of them are very loving messages. I am grateful for having angels in my life, so grateful.

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