Friday, January 16, 2009

day 4

I am Christ himself. I am connected to him, to the Divine, as my soul is divine. This soul has unlimited powers and can create anything it wants.

Now I am focusing on gratitude and love and manifesting a lot of gratitude and love in my life. I am grateful for a fantastic day yesterday, where I was filled with very good ideas. I am grateful for having a lot of energy yesterday and being able to go to the gym. I am grateful for being able to swim and enjoying every minute of being in the water. I am grateful for being guided to the water by 2 clairvoyants and of course my mother.
I am happy and grateful is going well, that I am able to stay and home to day and work from home. I am grateful for all the riches I have in my life. I have enough money until the end of the month, very grateful for that. Iam grateful for having a roof over my head. I am grateful for being able to afford nice things. I am grateful for having friends who are helping me. I am grateful to have H's mother who is also helping me.I have got so much help from her. I am very grateful that I have this chance to do this workshop, so very grateful! I am grateful for being able to feel love in my heart and for being connected to my feelings.

I am full of love, my heart is full of love, I feel this love and my clients feel it too.I am loving, I am love itself. I am mother love. I have felt this motherly love inside my chest to my clients who will take my workshop. I am giving them motherly love, the love from the divine that is pouring out of my heart.

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