Friday, July 13, 2012

day 2

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I am is the source and substance of all my good.

sending love to myself, to little A. Visualizing the two of us on the plane headed for the states being very happy that we escaped. And so mote it be. we are protected from all sort of negative influences.
sending love to A's dad, lots of love to him. sending love to my money. visualizing a stream of money flowing in my bank account. And so mote it be! Lots of money coming in from various sources, providing for me and A. we have a free place to live that is a very very nice place.
so grateful for my wonderful life, grateful that i can go on this fantastic adventure! grateful that all of these companies want to talk to me, to interview me and hire me. Grateful that my divine partner is getting closer to me. grateful that i get to keep my sweetest angel with me, forever and ever.

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