Monday, July 2, 2012

day 2

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know  that the Divine Presence I am is the source and substance of all my good.

I am a master manifester manifesting my reality. focusing on abundance, financial abundance, abundance of love, abundance of jobs that are interested in me. sending love to myself, my stomach. visualizing myself withouth constipation, completely healthy.

A visualizing being contacted by L today that they want to negotiate an offer with me. Visualizing the offer being so fantastic and perfect that I accept. And so mote it be!  Sending lots of love to L, TK, and MM. Sending lots of love to the universe.

Sending love to all of my references, lots of love to them visualizing that they come back and give me a fantastic reference and come back to me very very soon. Lots of love to them. lots and lots of love. keep sending love to L and TK. Lots of love. lots of love to me, visualizing myself letting go of the outcome and being completely neutral. Visualizing myself starting my new fantastic job on 1 September. and so mote it be!

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