Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Withdrew from swiss application

And I am very proud of myself - I called the recruiter about the job in Switzerland and told them that I would like to withdraw. Then they said why are you withdrawing, just wait to benchmark your position against others if you get selected as the final candidate.

I however, had a strong feeling today that I must withdraw but these women convinced me that I should stay in the race. However now I felt that I must decline so I just emailed them that I officially would like to withdraw. I just have a feeling that I had to do it.

Today and also yesterday I had a strong feeling that I must sms T. to change our appointment to 5 instead of 4:30 and I did. He was very happy, he actually wanted to meet later because he was afraid that the doors would still be closed and he did not have the key. My intuition is really really improving!

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