Tuesday, February 10, 2009

day 23

The only truth is that I am connected to God, my soul is divine and I am a master manifester that can manifest any reality I desire. I am so grateful for this as this puts my soul in charge of my universe.

I have a lot to be grateful for today. My heart is filled with gratitude. I had a fantastic day yesterday. I went to see my friend. I slept for 6 1/2 hours without being interrupted. Thank you, thank you!
I am sending a lot of love today to my mother. She is so fantastic! I am so grateful that she is my mother. i am sending a lot of love today to H's mother. She is so great! I so appreciate that she is helping me move!!! I have so much gratitude. Thank you!!!

I am so grateful that soon I will know the results of the tests and a picture will be more clear. Iam so grateful that I am going on holiday on Friday!!!

I am filled with love, I am sending this love to my clients, to all people on Earth. I am giving them so much love and they sense it and come to me. I am so grateful because I am mhelping so many people. Thank you!!! I am grateful that I can feel and sense love in my heart.

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