Friday, February 6, 2009

day 20

I place my faith in the principle of abundance NOW. I trust and let go of any worries or concerns I may have about anything in my life, and trust completely in God and divine process. I trust completely that I am the creator and manifester of any outcome in my life and affairs.

I am so grateful that I went to this workshop yesterday and enjoyed it so much! I am grateful that I had UNINTERRUPTED 7.5 hours of sleep last night. I am so grateful for that. I am grateful that I can function well today. Thank YOU!
I am so grateful that I had a relaxing day at work! So grateful. My heart is filled with gratitude for these things which I really really appreciate.

I am so grateful that we had a very good meeting today with my boss and some colleagues and discussed the outcomes of the current situation: i am grateful that this was the first and right step to improve the situation.

I am so grateful that this woman has contacted me today. My heart is filled with love and compassion for her.I am enveloping her in pink light. I am enveloping her and the situation in love. I love her so much. I am sending out love from my heart to all human beings and to my clients. I am so grateful that I am in touch with this source of love within myself.

I am grateful that this is the weekend and H is coming today. So grateful! I am so looking forward to a quiet weekend. I am so happy that I can relax and kick back. I am so grateful that now things at work will quiet down and I can finish my projects with different timelines in mind. So grateful! Thank you so much.

I am so grateful that I managed to get my work to pay for my trip to Switzerland and we are going on holiday and will be skiing. I am so happy about this, so grateful!!!

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