Friday, November 9, 2007

My decision about M.'s course

I was a little torn about the clairvoyance course, but last night two things happened. I met with T and learned that he is also stuying clairvoyance and mediumship. Then I realized that a lot of resistance was due to my own negative feelings about this kind of work. Then I talked to him how much I want to do platform clairvoyance because I am this little clown and I love the spotlight and love making people laugh, and realized that it was NOT ego driven,but rather it was my mission because thinking about it made me extremely happy on a soul level. We talked about that a little. I also quite liked M. because thinking about meeting with her, makes me smile. Then I sent her an email asking her if she is going to provide reassurance for us during this process. On the way home while driving, I got a message saying that of course she is going to provide it. I also got a message that said (in the local language) "She is a very kind woman. She will take care of you. Then I also realized that when I sent email to M., I was smiling, because i was thinking about our meeting and it was so nice! So I felt good about the course last night and today I feel the same, so I just signed up. So exciting! I feel bubbles of joy inside about this.

Interesting thing was while I was walking to M. home on Wednesday this week, I enjoyed the smells of the trees. I have never been in that area before, even though it is close to my home, but there was this wonderful smell in the air. As I was walking towards her house, I was very happy inside and somehow had a feeling that I was walking home.

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