Wednesday, March 4, 2009

today at the kinesiologist

Today I went to a kinesiologist who told me that there is nothing wrong with me. She tested me and nothing absolutely nothing was wrong. Just like my friend M when she did a clairvoyance for me, she saw that there was nothing wrong.
The kinesiologist told me that I need to start living from my heart. Btw this morning I got a message that I need to listen to her and do what she recommends. I need to follow things that make me feel like the angel readings and workshops. This is what is good for me. THen the energy in my body is circulating and I have enough energy to regenerate and heal myself. She asked me if there was an area of my life where I was not listening to my own guidance and I told her that it was my personal life as I was told that I need to leave H, but I have not done so.

But it was a good visit, she balanced me, it was all good.

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