Thursday, December 6, 2007

day 44

I am my own supply, my soul is my own supply. I have an infinite supply of love that I am SO READY to share with the world. The clients are coming to me and coming to me in great numbers. I am READY to share. I am ready to talk about the love inside me. The love is burning, so that it needs to come out! It must come out!! All this love and compassion needs to come out right NOW.
What are the next steps for me? Advertising but where? I am already advertised in the list of alternative practitioners. Now I want to participate in the fair, but the fair is closed, so I can only be put on the waiting list. What else can I do? I may be speaking at the meeting that my friend H. is organizing. I also need to manifest that. But right now I am focusing on love to myself. Loving myself for one month is all I need to do. So I will do it continuously until mid January. I can also advertise in another magazine and in the newspaper.

For now I need to focus on my clairvoyance practice and get more people that I can help. Perhaps by helping with clairvoyance, I can offer other things that I am doing. Let's see.

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