Monday, April 23, 2007

How could I make my baby come to me?

Regarding the question I posted earlier to myself, how could I make this vision of the baby become reality, I had another talk with the G.A. I asked him what should I do to attract this little soul, the answer was "Love". Love whom? The answers was "Love yourself". Then I asked how, what should I do, how should I love myself? The answer was "Just be".

My interpretation was that I need to enjoy my life, stop disparing, take care of my health and what I eat or drink (I am not so good of this, I must add). I want to detach myself emotionally from the outcome of having a child (as if it is so easy!). The first step is I stopped drinking Coca Cola Light. I listen to my intuition about what food is good for me and what is not. I have been getting impulses that Coca Cola was poisonous for me. I just feel that it contains a lot of bad stuff. I also feel that the coffee at work is bad for me, so I only drink one cup a day of it. I would like to cut down on coffee significantly. What else I should do? I should ask for more guidance.

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