Thursday, September 20, 2012

more visualizing

Visualizing my day tomorrow being complete success. I will figure out regarding the meeting and confirm regarding visiting the another research group in Barcelona.

Visualizing the HTAsumm slides issue being resolved to my satisfaction. Also review of lots of papers being resolved to my satisfaction. Visualizing a stream of money going to my account. sending lots and lots of love to my account. sending lots of love to DS. sending lots of life to Am, sending lots of love to Kl. visualizing them doing a great job.

Visualizing the issues in daycare resolving next week so that i can spend less on childcare. And so mote it be!!!

Visualizing myself having a very productive day. Very energetic, happy tomorrow, productive. Figuring things out also about the q'res for the study. having a fruitful visit at the immigration and discovering that it is very easy for me to get a residence permit. And so it is!!!

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