Saturday, September 29, 2012

more visualizing -hairdresser

Visualizing finding the most perfect hairdresser for myself that can color and chemically relax my hair. visualizing myself getting paid exactly on the 10th October and with the payment for September being very smooth, wihtout any kind of issues. 
visualizing my two projects with K being a total success.Complete and utter success!!!! Visualizing the meeting and my preparatory work for the meeting in mid Oct being a complete, complete success. and so mote it be!!!
Visualizing myself finding a balance between working, being a mother and having enough time for myself to nurture my well being. visualizing myself being happy, and solving my overeating issue. Visualizing myself ony eating when I am hungry and eating only while I am enjoying the food. Sending lots of love to my stomach!!
Visualizing the custody issue disappearing and me not having to deal with it again. And so it is!!!
Visualizing money coming from different sources to me, sending lots of love to money, lots of love to my bank account. And so it is!!!

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