Tuesday, June 14, 2011

need to recite what i am feeling grateful for today

OK, have been feeling very sad because of my ex-lover and cried in the morning. So want to count my blessings and recount what I am grateful for in general and in my interactions with him.

In general, I am grateful for
being pregnant after years of infertility
my pregnancy being so easy and smooth (knock on wood!)
living in a gorgegous place where i live
having a fantastic view from my apt
happy to have good friends around me
grateful for my mother's support emotional and financial
grateful that i have not been working and was able to focus on being pregnant and on myself
grateful i had savings and could sustain myself
grateful i discovered tango and how happy it makes me feel
grateful i met J my baby's father who gave me the biggest gift a man can give to a woman
grateful to be able to be in a very good shape and take care of myself
grateful that i feel sexy and attractive
grateful for my perseverence and attitude towards life. I never give up
grateful for my growing intuition and my strong connection with my body
grateful for the life i managed to create for myself in this foreign country
grateful that i discovered taoist practices and that i do this tao practice every day
grateful that tango makes me feel so happy.
grateful for my health
grateful for the information i receive from my guides
grateful it is sunshine outside now - it has been a loooooong winter. :)

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