Monday, February 3, 2014


I keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the principle of abundance in action within me now.

Visualizing  starting my new fantastic project in february. and so  it is!! Visualizing that there is a perfect child carer for A. who will take care of her well, either for free or at a very reasonable pay and that i can afford it and pay for it happily because the care is so good.. and so it is!!  visualizing a large inflow of money on my bank accounts from various sources. and so it is!!!

visualizing having a successful call with AF. and so it is! visualizing that the authorities process my visa very quickly and give me a freelancer visa asap. and so it is!!!

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