Sunday, February 16, 2014


ok what about the a class in t? should i go for it? you must! sign up for it now. How will i pay for it? the money will come. do not be concerned. What about trip to BA? this will have to wait till next year. 2015.  how long should i go for to t? one week and 1 day.
what about class in t? you MUSt go to this one. Why is this? because of the man you will meet. what kind of a man? a romantic connection? a dancing connection. you will enjoy so much dancing together. what about  my trip to ams? should i do it? should i do it? yes go for it! you will enjoy it! and will enjoy the company and your host.

What about my next project? relax a bit. it will come soon. WHen? in march. should i sign up for german course? not at this time. should i contact e for a reading? no. do not do this. it is not necessary. what about my financial situation? it will improve significantly. WHen`? in march or april. what about a's father? what about a's father? he is expecting a son. When? when will the son arrive? in September or october.
how shold i proceed with the apt? sell it now! sell it this year. put it on the market now. How can we sell it? ourselves or with an agent? hire an agent. is this one ok? as good as any. what about L.R.? what about L.R.? he is a crook. what should i do? ask him to pay for heating. keep 2,000 towards the heating this year and next year. should he pay anything else? yes for painting the apartment. how much should L.R pay for painting the apartment? 2000 dkk. what about his connections? '
will we sell the apartment this year? yes. for how much 2,55

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