Sunday, June 29, 2008

Posts from Santiago de Compostela, 19.6.08

A few missed days, did not feel like writing, Today during the trip from Sarria to Portomarin, H had a lot of pain in his hips. We had to walk about 3 km to a bar in Serria county and take a cab to Portomarin. Portomarin is approximately 99 km to Santiago, or so I heard from someone today. I did not check the distance on the map to verify. A big lesson here, during this trip, is to be in the now, walk, enjoy the walk, enjoy the perseverence, yet at the same time, to listen to my body. You learn to think only a few km´s ahead, and not plan too much for tomorrow or day after tomorrow, etc. The state of your mind and also the state of your legs determine where you will end up. Such a lesson to learn for "real" life after the Camino.

The road today went up and down, we passed a forest and some villages that smelled of cow shit. There were lots of loose dogs, I was quite scared. I was also a bit upset that H could not walk today, I was not sure what to do, should I walk the distance- I felt up to it or should I take the cab with him? I asked my advisor and he said "go with him". So I did. We arrived to a private refugio, O´Mirador. It is packed wiht people, lots of Germans. I see the same Germans, a girl from Cologne, 2 women from another hostel where we stayed, an older german couple in their 60´s who walked from the French border.

I was also a bit upset, I "needed" this exercise, so I went for a short walk around the refugio. We´re next to a lake, so I crossed a small bridge we are going to cross tomorrow.

I convinced H to ship some of our things poste restante to Santiago - we sent 6.1 kg, mostly his stuff. Hew also bought 2 walking sticks, I hope they help with his hip. I walked in my new shoes, cute sandals made by Teva. I bought them yesterday in Serria and paid 80 Euro. I loved them. They are green and look like animal paws. So comfy! I was looking forward to walking in them, but htis has to wait until tomorrow.

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