Monday, March 5, 2007

Well, it happened

Well, it happened. The doctor decided to cancel my cycle after I started downregulation. I would have started my stims on Friday this week. He thought that we should start my SO on meds to increase his sperm count. Increase his sperm count? I cannot wait 2 more months, I am running out of eggs! I was desperate on the phone, I was begging the doctor to let me continue but to no avail.
I cannot express how I felt that day. I am lucky I did not get into an accident. But on that day I made the call to clinic in another country for DE evaluation. We are flying there on 9 April and have an appointment on the 10th April.
Let's see.

I had a bad feeling about this cycle anyway and wanted to cancel it but of course it's different when someone else cancels it, then I lose control over the situation and I don't like that!!

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