Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I begin blogging today!!

Hello my readers
Today I made one of my dreams come true by becoming a full pledged blogger. This blog will document my struggles with infertility and my becoming more intuititive and more clarvoyant. I currently live with my significant other in a tiny kingdom somewhere in Europe, a place I truly enjoy at times and at other times truly truly hate. Some days I just want to stay here and others I want to get out of here as soon as I can. I miss America!!

Currently I am on day 27 of my cycle, receiving downregulation to prepare for my second IVF. The first IVF cycle failed, with me receiving GonalF or Puregon or FSH, high dose, and producing a tiny follicle, leading to my cycle being cancelled and being replaced with insemination. This is my second attempt. i am having second thoughts and would like to proceed with oocyte donation or egg donation after that. Since in this shitty little kindgom egg donors are not reimbursed, the wait to get a frigging egg is frigging 10 years. Un'fucking' believable! I am going to look elsewhere to get the eggs. My SO was opposed to the idea at first but he is on board now. Well, he himself is not a superman with his sperm count (his total count is about 10 million, 5 million washed, and it is not per ml). Who could have thought that this could have been a problem when we first layed our eyes and hands! on each other 6.5 years ago.

I will post more about my intuitive abilities and budding spirituality soon.

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