Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I feel a bit frustrated

Still sick, did not go to work today. I do start to feel better though, so I hope I will be ok before I travel this friday.

I am a bit frustrated because I feel I am living in this temporary state that will be over. There are changes that are coming (I feel), great changes and I live now, not in the NOW but in anticipation of these changes.

I had this feeling that a new chapter of my life will start soon, whatever this will mean. I got a feeling that I will move into the new apartment between Q2 and Q3 this year and that H will get a new job also at around the same time and this will be a very good job.

I am also frustrated because I do not have a family like everyone else and my life is not settled like everyone else I know. I want to be settled, have a normal family, a husband and a child. It frustrates me that I must wait for this to happen!

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