Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Clairvoyance yesterday

Yesterday I gave a teleclairvoyance to my former classmate, P.
I saw many things in relation to what she wanted to know about, about her dauther. I also saw something I never saw before. P sent me her picture and the pic of her daughter. I could clearly see P's picture crying with huge tears. This is the first time I could see - really see with my eyes open a picture that was crying. So it was a very deep issue for her, I am sure.

I could see that the situation is resolved once P resolves her issues with her husband. Then things will improve with the daughter. It was amazing how the info about the daughter was in pictures but how I started hearing messages once P was asking me about herself.

She wants to send her daughter to me which I said ok to. Also she wants to practice her healing on me, but I need to offer her something in exchange for distant healing. I offered to send healing to the situation with her family. Let's see what happens. I only tried it once before with my friend M. I think it worked very very well.

I feel that I am missing some kind of coaching skills as people are coming to me for advice a lot, they are asking what should they do. They are in pain, and I really want to help them!

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