To make sad people happy. To give them hope. to make them believe. I am leading people to a beautiful serene place were they are in touch with themselves. fully aligned and in touch w their own truth.
Grounded and centered.
I am inside the room sitting on the throne. Things are running smoothly by themselves. i am sitting and resting and holding space. People know what to do because they are inspired to be their best. They are in control but i set the direction and the vision.
I feel at ease. Feeling it is my right place.
Whom and what are you serving? Life itself. I serve the universe. I serve for the highest good of all mankind. What you are serving? Success and flow. Who is your god or goddess that you are serving? Aphrodite. Zeus.
What is true in your heart to serve? Improvement in people's lives. Alleviation of suffering. Turning hopelessness into hope.
Where are you leading people to? To be their very best. TO be in touch w their full potential. To be true to themselves. Do you want them to be your underdogs, do you lead to fun, or do you lead people to help you achieve your own goals? Do you want them to find happiness? To be who they truly are. To find their voice. To help them grow. To be authentic. Grow into their full potential.
What world do I wish to see, what would I love for the people whom I lead? harmony. Fulfillment. What is my part to bring that into fruition? to be a leader. to create. use my intuition and creativity. Inspire others to be themselves.
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