Thursday, November 15, 2012


Visualizing my consultancy a HUGE success, my current project a HUGE success, with lots and lots of money flowing in NOW. i am ready to accept it, I am rich beyond words. And so it is!!!
Sending lots of love to DD, to frg court, to JN and BS and Js lawyer lots and lots of love. visualizing this case being thrown out of court in December. and so mote it be. Visualizing DD leaving me and my daughter alone for many many years, disappearing wihtout the trace!!! and so it is.
Visualizing quickly getting c in the US, very quickly. Visualizing the papers being served to DD this week in the right way so that my case can proceed.
Visualizing getting a call from my lawyer here that i got the bl. card in the next two weeks so that I can open my business here. And so mote it be!!!!

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