Tuesday, September 11, 2012

more visualizing

visualizing a fantastically productive day tomorrow. that i am able to register my address tomorrow without any problems. visualizing being able to open a bank account without any issues. visualizing delivering information to daycare without issues.visualizing finalizing the prework tomorrow and having a very productive day.

visualizing contacting R. to find out how the presentation with my budget figures went and that it went fantastically well. visualizing him thanking me for being so clear and precise. 
visualizing the case being closed and me being able to get in touch with the lawyer in the old place.

and so mote it be!!!
visualizing myself tomorrow vibrant and productive and happy and tranquil. And so it is. Sending lots of love to my bank account. Visualizing my bank account filled with money, covering all of our needs and much more.  Visualizing myself buying me a pair of fantastic beautiful and comfortable tango shoes. And so it is!

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