Thursday, January 8, 2009

day 58 of prosperity plan

My consiousness of the spirit of God within me as my unlimited source is the divine power to restore the years..(cant understand), to make all thigs new, to let me up to the high road of abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding, and knowledge of spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

All I need to do is to be counscious of the divine love, inside of me, outside of me, everywhere, and things will flow. All I need to do is to focus on that love, coming from my heart chakra to the universe, sending love to every single being and creature. There is nothing more, but love, unconditional love, love everywhere. I love everyone, I am grateful for everything. Everything. everything in my life has been a lesson that I am eternally grateful for. Most of all, I am grateful for my intuition (or the voices of my angels) that is continuingly guiding me where I need to go. I am grateful for my ability and courage to listen to that voice. Thank YOU.

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