Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Conversations with the Owl

I asked yesterday what will happen tomorrow wrt J and the company things.
Owl: Nothing, You did your part, now it is your turn to rest and do nothing. The right people will come/approach you. Just wait and see.
Me: How long shouldd I wait?
O: A month or so
M: will something else happen tomorrow?
O Relax and enjoy. See above.
M: what about hte love of a child?
O yes its the child you were meant to have. Just wait and it will come. A great love of your life.
M Is it a man?
O No it is your child. It will be a surprize. You will be surprized.
M How is it related to RUssia?
O Just wait and see. Wait a month and things will be more clear.
M What will happen in a month
O Be patient

I was told that my mission for this trip is now completed. I need to enjoy.

M what is the purpose of J
O business, will help you will your goals. He can help you get here and achiee your goals. He can help you that/get you here.
M when?
O in two years you will move to Moscow.

The owl keeps telling me to relax. That things will now come themselves. Things like the love of a child.

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