Thursday, February 28, 2013


I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinity Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of truth.

visualizing a fanstastic and very productive day tomorrow. visualizing my case proceeding as planned. and so mote it be! visualizing my new lawyer taking the case in her hands and moving it swiftly. and so mote it be! visualizing my victory in xx and f budding off and dropping out of our lives for good. and so mote it be! visualizing going on a fantastic vacation that is very cheap for me and starting my new project on 1 may. and so mote it  be.v isualizing the case ending in the US very soon in my favor. visualizing that i stop spending money on my US case as there will be no need. visualizing my child sleeping RIGHT NOW! and so mote it be!   visualizing financial prosperity for me. and so it is!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

day 32

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I am is the source and substance of all my good.

visualizing to have a great time tonight at the restaurant, have a fantastic time, and meet nice people and potential friends. and so it is. visualializing that my case proceeds smoothly and fast in xx from now on with the best lawyer that i can afford. and so mote it be!
visualizing that i can keep up with hypn. and so it is!
visualizing a constant inflow of money on my account. visualizing 100K euro arriving to my account. and so it is! visualizing starting my new fantastic job on 1 May. and so it is!!!
visualizing that my case in the US is moving very very fast. And so it is!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

day 31

God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. this all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me.

visualizing that the business in xx turns out to be the best thing possible, without any problems. visualizing that i am represented by the best possible lawyer, at least as good as MW or better. we work so well together and it is someone i can afford easily. and so mote it be!
visualizing that my case in the US proceeds very fast with favorable decision. and so mote it be!
visualiazing that i start my new fantastic project on 1 May. and so mote it be!
visualizing that i find just the right babysitter, at least as good as F or better. The one who enjoys being with my baby and also helping me. we get along extremely well. and so mote it be!

sending lots of love to my bank account. visualizing a constant stream of money arriving to my account. And so mote it be!

Monday, February 25, 2013

day 30

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me now.
visualizing that my papers are received by the lawyer who will represent me. visualizing that i am represented by the right lawyer in xx, the one like MW or better and someone that I can afford. and so mote it be! visualizing the outcome of their representation to be fantastic and exactly what i want. and so mote it be!

visualizing that the case in the US is now resolved and is not costing me anything. and so mote it be!
visualizing a fantastic presentation to the CEO tomorrow. and so mote it be!
 visualizing my tax situation in xx is resolved to my satisfaction this week. and so mote it be!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

day 29

when i am aware of the god-self within me as my total fulfillment, i am totally fulfilled. i am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the actvity of the divine abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation of that creative energy, which is continulously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness. i am now aware, I am now in the flow.

  visualizing the issues with bus in xx clearing up without any complications. visualizing me complications free as it comes to establishsing my bus in one country and working in another. visualizing me being able to work in G legally. and so mote it be! visualizing the papers on their way from my old lawyer to my new lawyer. and so mote it be! visualizing my new lawyer being able to start working on my case. and so mote it be. visualizing a constant flow of money on my account. and so mote it be! visualizing getting rid of problems with my school loan. and so mote it be!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My consciousness of the spirit within me as my unlimited source is the Divine power to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of Abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

visualizing a very productive day tomorrow where i finish what i need to finish regarding the papers for the apartment to my accountant. visualizing sending the papers for translation tomorrow. visualizing a very productive day where i finalize the bplan for vemb. and so mote it be!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

day 27

the divine consciousness that i am is forever expressing its true nature of abundance. this is its responsibility, not mine. my only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

visualizing a fantastic day tomorrow with A. We have a fantastic time together!!! and pick just the right things to do. and so mote it be! visualizing a constant flow of money on my account. visualizing 100K euro on my account now. Visualizing myself totally financially abundant now. I deserve this abundance and i accept it now. visualizing a fantastic job coming my way on 1 may. and so mote it be. visualizing my visa issues resolving themselves while me being able to live here and work here in G without any issues. and so mote it be! visualizing my little one healthy. and so mote it be. visualizing myself in an excellent health. and so mote it be. visualizing the case in xx proceeding without delay, with my lawyer receiving papers from the previous lawyer early next week. and so mote it be!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

day 26

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and as a principle of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

visualizing an unstoppable river of money flowing onto my account. visualizing 100K euro already on my account. and so mote it be. visualizing that my case now in xx proceeds without delay with the best possible lawyer representing me, the one i can afford. visualizing the case going very fast,with me winning the case. and so mote it be!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

day 25

money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore my supply is unlimited.

visualizing that my blackberry has been found and i got it back. and so mote it be! visualizing that i am contacted by the right lawyer to represent me in xx. and so mote it be. visualizing myself contacting an accountant in denmark tomorrow. and so it is!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

day 24

I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinity Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of truth.

Visualizing me being contacted by the right lawyer and the right lawyer in xx working on my case and getting dismissed and decided in my favor. visualizing a quick process in xx and me being able to easily afford it. and so mote it be. visualizing my student loan issues disappearing and going away. and so mote it be. visualizing a very productive day tomorrow where i finish k review and bp for ven.t.emb. and so mote it be. visualizing my issues with p. maps disappearing. visualizing my d project a huge success. and so mote it be! sending lots of love to my account. visualizing a constant inflow of money on my account. visualizing myself showering in money. and so mote it be! visualizing 100K euro on my account now. and so  it is. visualizing myself getting in touch wiht my accountant in xx and him fixing issues in xx. and so it is! sending lots of love to my new project. visualizing myself working on my new project on 1 may. and so mote it be!

Monday, February 18, 2013

day 23

I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinity Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of truth.

visualizing a very productive day tomorrow. a very very productive day. visualizing myself finding a new babysitter the one who is as good as or better than Fr. and so mote it be. visualizing that the right lawyer contact me this week regarding the case in xx. and so mote ibe. visualizing being in touch with my accountant and resolving my tax issues in xx. and so mote it be!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

day 22

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I am is the source and substance of all my good.

Visualizing a productive day tomorrow. a very productive day here i am able to finalize review of the lit. and so mote it be.
visualizing that my lawyer contacts me tomorrow and it is the perfect lawyer for me so that my case in xx can proceed now. visualizing hearing good news from her about the future of the case. visualizing a very quick resolution of the case resolving in my favor. and so mote it be. visualizing the f disappearing from our lives for good. and so mote it be.
visualizing the constant flow of money on my account. visualizing discussing my situation wiht accountant and him taking on to help me. and so it is. visualizing my taxes in xx are minimal. and so mote it be.
visualizing getting 100K Euro in the near future. and so mote it be!
visualizing that my visa situation here is resolved and i am able to work legally. and so mote it be.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

day 21

God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. this all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me.

visualizing an absolutely fantastic day with my baby where i know exactly the right place where i can take her and we can have a lot of fun for cheap.
sending a lot of love to the F, sending a lot of love to F-ret. lots and lots of love. visualizing my case being thrown out of court very fast and being decided in my favor. and so mote it be!
sending lots of love to money and to my bank account lots and lots of love. visualizing my contract extended by 2 weeks. and so mote it be! visualizing myself landing a fantastic opportunity starting on 1 May. and so mote it be!

Friday, February 15, 2013

day 20

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me now.

Visualizing myself workign with the right lawyer in XX, someone I can afford. visualizing the case resolving very quickly in my favor. and so mote it be! visualizing a fantastic day tomorrow with the little angel, us having so much fun together. visualizing the issues w school loan disappearing. visualizing very little expenses from now on relating to my case in the uS and so mote it be. visualizing my tax situation and my visa situation is resolved. and so mote it be! visualizing my new project starting on 1 may where i live in the most perfect location. and so mote it be!

day 19

when i am aware of the god-self within me as my total fulfillment, i am totally fulfilled. i am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the actvity of the divine abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation of that creative energy, which is continulously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness. i am now aware, I am now in the flow.

visualizing the perfect lawyer for me taking control of the case in xx. visualizing the case in xx dismissed and decided in my favor. and so mote it be. visualiazing my accountant in xx resolving all hte issues re taxes, with me having to pay a minimal amount. visualizing that i declare only a part of my income. and so mote it be.
visualizing that the date is set soon at the US court to decide in my case. and so mote it be.
visualizing a productive day tomorrow where i contact my accountant, have a very successful call regarding the study. Additionally, visualizing that this call goes super well. visualizing that i am full of energy tomorrow and am very productive. and so mote it be!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

day 18

My consciousness of the spirit within me as my unlimited source is the Divine power to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of Abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

visualizing a fantastic day tomorrow. visualializing my d. project a huge success. visualizing i am productive tomorrow and manage to do everything i need to do. and so mote it be. visualizing i contact am and discuss what i need and send reviewed qre to the team. and so mote it be. visualizing to be notified from the US about my case going forward and the date being assigned very soon. and so mote it be. visualizing the case moving in xx as well and my lawyer contacting me to discuss. visualizing i have the best possible lawyer and the one i can afford. visualizing contacting my accountant and he fixes all the issues i have in xx re my business. and so mote it be visualizing my visa issues resolving and me being able to work here. and so mote it be. visualizing me getting a fantastic project, the one that lets me spend enough time with my baby and also provides very well for both of us. and so mote it be.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

day 17

the divine consciousness that i am is forever expressing its true nature of abundance. this is its responsibility, not mine. my only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

visualizing a fantastic day tomorrow. i am very productive and the issue of france and also mapping of p is resolved successfully. visualizing that o. is very happy about my work. visualizing am is very happy about my work. visualizing that my project is a very big success. and so mote it be. visualizing finalizing the list of candidates for the project tomorrow and making the right decision. and so mote it be. visualizing that i have the right lawyer on my case and that i can afford this lawyer. visualizing my new project starting on 1 may, a fantastic fantastic project. visualizing my visa issues resolving themselves. and so mote it be!! visualizing the F disappearing from our lives. and so mote it be. visualizing the case in xx dismissed and decided in my favor. and so mote it be.

Monday, February 11, 2013

day 16

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and as a principle of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

visualizing a fantastic productive day tomorrow. i am done paying my bills to doctor, ebay and electicity. visualizing myself proceeding regarding the visa in the right way. and so mote it be.   visualizing myself finalizing the slides for wednesday tomorrow and so mote it be. visualizing that  the french situation is resolved in the best possible way. and so mote it be. visualizing my project at d. a huge success. and so mote it be. i am very successful in everything i do. visualizing a constant stream of money to my account. my financial situation is getting better and better. visualizing 100K euro deposited on my account. and so mote it be!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

day 15

money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore my supply is unlimited.
 visualizing a successful day tomorrow. with my presentation being a success. and so mote it be!
visualizing myself getting a work visa to work here and making  the right steps in order to get this visa.and so mote it be. visualizing working wiht the right lawyer in XX and being able to afford it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

day 13

I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinity Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of truth.

visualizing my daughter calm and happy. visualizing myself happy and calm around her. sendind lots lof love to my incoming lawyer in xx. surrounding her-him with lots of love. visualizing the right lawyer is also seeking me and wants to represent me. and so it is! visualizing a very nice trip to CH, with the baby being calm and happy. and so it is! visualizing a great time with D. and so mote it be!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

day 12

I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand and to know that the Divine Presence I am is the source and substance of all my good.
visualizing a fantastic smooth trip tomorrow. visualizing myself having a great time in CH. visualizing that i have to take the call tomorrow and it happens very very smoothly. and so mote it be. visualizing that the right lawyer in xx will contact me tomorrow. and so mote it be!

sending lots and lots of love to my bank account. sending lots of love to money. visualizing a continuous inflow of money, and all of our needs, mine and hte baby s are provided for. and so mote it be! there is constant, complete abundance. and so it is.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013



day 11

I keep my mind and thoughts off this world and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me now.

Visualizing that the right lawyer will contact me this week. It will be the most perfect lawyer. exactly the one I need, much better than before, in every way, including financially. And so mote it be. the right lawyer is about to contact me to take on my case in xx. and so it is.

visualizing  my project here a huge success, and visualizing myself negotiating a good contract for myself. And so mote it be.

Visualizing that i hear from the most perfect lawyer tomorow, the most perfect lawyer in xx who wants to take on my case and who is super good and inexpensive for me. and so mote it be.
visualizing my day tomorrow to be a complete success. i am very productive and finalize everything i need to finalize before i go away friday. and so mote it be.
sending lots of love to my account. lots and lots of love. sending lots of love to money. visualizing a constant flow to my account. and so it is!!!
visualizing myself completely completely healthy. and so it is!!! visualizing myself waking up full of energy tomorrow. and so it is.
sending lots of love to F and the court and his lawyer. lots of love to them. visualizing the court leaving me alone until i find the most perfect lawyer. and so mote it be.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 10

God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the universe. this all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me - the reality of me.

visualizing myself hearing from my lawyer in xx this week. visualizing getting the best one for me this week. and so mote it be!
visualizing the issue with translations resolving itself and me finding the best company and the best priced one. and so it is!
visualizing the most productive day for myself where my case is rolling on and rolling on with the best lawyer representing me. it is the best lawyer for me, even better than MW. and so it is!!!
visualizing me being calm and stress free, completely stress free during this period. and so it is. visualizing myself being calm, stress free and in complete balance with myself. visualizing the positive outcome of the case. with me keeping custody, and the F out of our lives. and so mote it be.

Monday, February 4, 2013

day 9

when i am aware of the god-self within me as my total fulfillment, i am totally fulfilled. i am now aware of this truth. I have found the secret of life and I relax in the knowledge that the actvity of the divine abundance is eternally operating in my life. I simply have to be aware of the flow, the radiation of that creative energy, which is continulously, easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness. i am now aware, I am now in the flow.

visualizing my lawyer in xx contact me and agreeing to work with me at a very cheap price. and so mote it be. visualizing that he or she is a very experienced lawyer in international custody cases. that she is at least as good as MW. and so mote it be.
visualizing myself finding the most perfect lawyer for me in xx. visualizing figuring out the issue with my electric bill and resolving it. and so it is!
visualizing that my visa issue in G is completely resolved. and so it is!!! i am able to live and work here.
visualizing the F disappearing for good and leaving us (me and bebe) alone. and so mote it be.
visualizing receiving the notice about the court date in the states where the decision will be made this week and so mote it be.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

day 8

My consciousness of the spirit within me as my unlimited source is the Divine power to make all things new, to lift me up to the High Road of Abundant prosperity. This awareness, understanding and knowledge of Spirit appears as every visible form and experience that I could possibly desire.

visualizing my presentation tomorrow to be a huge success. i am super confident handle all questions well and know all the answers to all the questions.
sending lots of love to the F. lots and lots of love to him. Visualizing that i get connected this week to the lawyer i want to work with in xx. and so mote it be. visualizing that this is the most perfect lawyer for me. and so it is.
sending lots of love to my bank account, visualizing the  money flowing in constantly on my bank account.
visualizing my meeting w lawyer in G to be a success, with me applying and being granted a visa in the next month. and so mote it be!!!
sending lots of love to my employers, they are fighting over me, visualizing me starting my new fantastic job on 1 May. and so mote it be!
visualizing myself feeling hot and sexy and the fat just melting away because i love myself so much. visualizng myself to stay motivated to make changes in my diet. and so it is!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

day 7

the divine consciousness that i am is forever expressing its true nature of abundance. this is its responsibility, not mine. my only responsibility is to be aware of this Truth. Therefore, I am totally confident in letting go and letting God appear as the abundant all-sufficiency in my life and affairs.

visualizing a fantastic day tomorrow. a great day, a productive day. visualizing myself finishing my presentation very fast and reviewing the literature fast. and so mote it be!  visualizing having a great evening with my baby. and so it is. sending lots of love to myself. lots andlots of love. sending lots of love to my stomach.  visualizing my fat melting away, visualizing myself feeling hot and attractive and very sexy. sending lots of love to my bank account. lots and lots of love!visualizing a stream of money flowing to my account. sending lots and lots of love to my employers. visualizing me starting my new fantastic part time job on 1 May. and so mote it be!

Friday, February 1, 2013

day 6

My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires and as a principle of supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires.

i am all powerful, a powerful manifestor. visualizing a successful completion of my assigment at ds, and then starting my new job on 1 may. and so mote it be! visualizing picking the best possible lawyer possible in xx and so it is!

visualizing getting a permit to work here and the new lawyer helping me. and so it is.