Sunday, December 23, 2007

Money and more proof

And this did turn out to be the bonus. He paid me about 60 % of my monthly salary, in the previous years I received 100 % of my full salary.

I had this "client" who came in. Before she came I was zooming in on her trying to figure out where she lived. I had a sense she lived abroad, I saw pictures of a desert and camels in the desert and the sand. I also asked how long she lived there and got the answer 3 years. I also got the word that meant nothing to me but i wrote it down, it was Singaliz. When i told her what I have seen, she said she lived in Africa for 4 years on and off, and about 3 years there straight. When I said the word Singaliz to her, she was very surprised. She told me she lived in Senegal. I was so surprised and so proud of myself!

Basically I need to trust in myself more, even if the messages make no sense to me. They do not have to make sense to me, they have to make sense to the people.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wow, a powerful proof

I was a little shocked today. Currently I am fighting with P to find out if i get a bonus or not. He has not been forthcoming about it.

However this morning I got a message that I need to relax, and money will come. I also saw a clairvoyant vision of angels bringing me a packet of money. It was just so clear! So very clear that they carried a packat with money and gave it to me. I was a bit surprized but somehow was sure that I will get some kind of money from somewhere. I did not think it was the bonus, but I was sure it was the money from somewhere. So I was at peace because I knew I will get the money.

Then as I walked into the office today, I had a vision of me being showered with money, money was falling on my head like snow and falling everywhere, everywhere, not sure in which currency : )
Then when I came to work today, I checked my salary that they paid me - I saw with huge surprize that I got an extra money (about 6500 USD extra this month) that was totally unexpected (I think it is due to the taxes that I overpaid and they paid me the taxes back, but it doesn't matter because I did not expect that at all).

I am just amazed because I saw a vision of angels bringing money and I got this money.
Amazing! I am more convinced in my clairvoyant powers to see the future. This was a very powerful proof.

I told two of my friends about that.

However what I did not tell them was that I also saw angels bring me a baby, so some kind of baby is coming. I just need to relax and trust.

day 47

I am letting go of the desire to control. I am letting go of the desire of making P give me bonus and sign the dialog. I am letting go of all. The abundance is inside me, I am its source and it is flowing from me. When I focus on the bonus, I shut down the flow. I need to focus on the truth about the abundance. I have it all, It is flowing from me. The promotion I am going to get is inside me and I am going to manifest it. The clients are coming to me in abundance. They are attracted to me because of my purity and my desire to help them. They are coming and coming to me. I am getting better and better very rapidly. Inside me there is a source of knowledge about their lives and affairs.

The divine is helping me greatly by making my channel very pure and very strong. I am a very powerful clairvoyant, I can see all, I can help my clients in all matters.My heart is open and they feel it and they want to come back.
Not the 45 clients that I need but thousands of clients are coming and want my help. they are coming non-stop and their friends and family is coming so that I would help them. I can help them and I help them with all my might.

Update on 6.1.08 To update this, I did get my bonus and P did sign the dialog.

guidance from Maria

I asked Maria, my guide, about why is it that I am not getting the teachers for clairvoyance and why is that door closed. She said to me that the door IS open. The door opened up for me and I entered through that door. I asked about the teacher and heard that I do not need a teacher and that my learning is by doing. She said that I need to keep going with the clairvoyance. I also got an impression that I will have a continuous flow of people for clairvoyance until I need to have it. I also got that this is definitely part of my mission. I am wondering what is next? Amazing. I am also thinking of signing up for S' channeling class to hear the messages better.

Feeling better

I am feeling a bit better about myself. when I start doing clairvoyance, I feel very good about myself. I feel fantastic! I think I have also been waiting for my AF to begin because now my cravings are clearly down and I have not been eating in the evening again. I feel happier when I do the clairvoyance for people. It is so exciting.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

feeling disgusted

I have been feeling pretty disgusted with myself. I am bloated, bleeding and have stomach problems. So nasty. My stomach sticking out so badly that I can barely button my pants. However, this is when I need self-loving the most. I have been giving myself love/healing almost every day now.

did I reward myself in Germany?

OK, I did get manicure and pedicure. I was going to buy some nice smelling soaps but could not find them. Instead I bought myself a great smelling hand/nail cream called Instant manicure. I paid 15 Euro for this and it smells fantastic. I also bought a mango smelling oil for my nails from Nail Spa manicure. It is also about 13 Euro. So I did buy nice smelling things.

On to facial and massage. I did not get a massage by a person but I did get a massage at the Thermal spa where I got massage from water falling down. that was nice. I am getting a gift certificate to a nice spa here due to my resignation from my current job and I will go get a facial with this gift certificate. I also did not yet finish day 50. 4 more days to go.

day 46

It is impossible for me to fill any unfulfilled desires as there is this principle of supply in action where I am my own supply. Therefore, it is impossible for me to desire a promotion and not receive it. I will receive the promotion very soon because I will manifest it. My promotion is inside me as I am the source of this happening. It is also not possible for me not to have clients as I am the source of the clients. The clients are coming and they are paying. They are coming and they love the clairvoyant sessions I am giving them. I am truthful, I see what they want me to see, I have the answers they need to receive. The clients are coming and coming and ringing and ringing. I have an abundance of clients and I have an abundance of paying clients who are paying me for my clairvoyance.

I am good clairvoyant, I can see all, I am accurate, I trust myself and my visions and I trust my interpretations of the symbols. My two hemisphere are working together in perfect harmony. They love each other, they are like two brothers and they love working together, like two children building sand castles in a sandbox.

The clients are coming and the flow is not stopping. The promotion is coming, I will be a director. The promotion is on its way and it will find me very soon as I am the source of this promotion. It is because I am so good and so knowledgeable, experienced and confident. I deserve this promotion. I am prosperity, I am confidence, I am love.

feeling blue

What can I say, I am feeling very blue.My AF came also, 2 months after the m/c bleeding.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sending healing to my friend M

Today I sent healing to my friend M when she had her follicles retrieved. It is important to summarize this here.

This is what I wrote to her as a summary:

Hi M - I just got a sign that I need to stop the healing so I did, it is 9:49 am.I will describe what I have done. First I did the reiki thing to connect to you, however, I sent many angels to you, they were holding your feet, your hands, your shoulders, your chin, they were everywhere.

I asked archangel Rafael to help the doctor remove the eggs. Then there was your guide in shining armor standing behind you.

I also felt that i need to concentrate ONLY on your ovaries today, it is amazing I only did that and the time went by so fast. I first put my hands on your stomach where the ovaries are. I also sent in my white pigeons and they were located on your heart, and I put 2 of them on your ovaries and another on your solar plexus and another one on your basal chakra.

Then I went in and physically held your right ovary in my hands warming it up a little bit. I could also see how many eggs you wouldl have retrieved (I do not know if I am right or not. Comment I saw that she would have 4 or 5 follies retrieved of which I only saw one good one and one embryo being put back) and I could see some good ones - they were violet in color, shining like bright stars in the dark. I could also see not so good ones which were yellow, also shining like a regular stars. So I held your right ovary (this is where i saw the good ones are) but actually I do not know why I held only the right one. After I held you like this for a while, I felt I need to stop. So I took out my hands, and saw you as ababy whom I needed to rock in my arms.

So I did - it was very touching/moving for me. I directed a lot of love towards that baby (you). Then I felt I need to put you in a pink sea of love which I did. Btw, do you like to swim? You were swimming there like a dolphin then you waived at me once, then waived at me twice (waived good bye), this is how I knew I needed to stop.I also got some instructionsn for you and a message. The message is very important. I got a message that things will work out for you wiht the baby in their own timing, so we do not know when it will be but they will work out. Then I received an instruction for you that you should call in sick tomorrow and spend this weekend doing something nourishing for your soul.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


I decided to reward myself with a trip to baths thing in Germany next week. My reward for finishing 40 days is manicure/pedicure AND a massage. I will give myself a reward of finishing all 50 days of the prosperity program of facial, which I really need.

I am also going to go to Bonn on a hunt for a new pink coat. My new coat is only going to be pink and I am going to Bonn to look for it.

day 45

My supply of love is totally unlimited. My supply of ALL is totally unlimited as I am the supply of all, my divine mind, my awareness of the divine mind inside.
My love is so great, it is outpouring into the universe and permeates every living creature. These creatures are sensing my love, and attracted to it and start moving towards me. They move towards me and come to me in great numbers, and I am so ready to receive them and give them my love. I am not embarrassed, but I am very proud of the vast amounts of love inside me. I can no longer hide it but I want to proudly display my unconditional love to all. I am loving all, I am helping all, I am ready to help and I am ready to receive payment for my help. I am so ready to receive 550 crowns for one visit as I am giving so much to my clients. They are loving it and they want to pay more. They cannot get enough of what I have to offer. I am enjoying the feeling of sharing my love and getting something back for it, so that the exchange could continue.

H's new job

I saw that H will get another job in 3 months, which takes us to February. I also saw the same picture of him walking out of his current job happy, in a good mood, it's a sunny day and he has something in his pocket which I believe is a job offer.
I do not feel he will return to Denmark, but I do not know that.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

day 44

I am my own supply, my soul is my own supply. I have an infinite supply of love that I am SO READY to share with the world. The clients are coming to me and coming to me in great numbers. I am READY to share. I am ready to talk about the love inside me. The love is burning, so that it needs to come out! It must come out!! All this love and compassion needs to come out right NOW.
What are the next steps for me? Advertising but where? I am already advertised in the list of alternative practitioners. Now I want to participate in the fair, but the fair is closed, so I can only be put on the waiting list. What else can I do? I may be speaking at the meeting that my friend H. is organizing. I also need to manifest that. But right now I am focusing on love to myself. Loving myself for one month is all I need to do. So I will do it continuously until mid January. I can also advertise in another magazine and in the newspaper.

For now I need to focus on my clairvoyance practice and get more people that I can help. Perhaps by helping with clairvoyance, I can offer other things that I am doing. Let's see.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

days 42 and 43

4.12.07 Day 42
I am a mastermind. I can do all. I believe in myself, in the divine presence inside me. The source of abundance and love is within me.

5.12.07 Day 43
I know the truth. I know that the abundance is within me. I can create all, I can create and am creating the future I want. I am creating my future and I am helping my clients to create their future by sharing my love with them, by empowering them, by teaching them to love themselves. It's the power of love that will transform them. My work will transform them. They are coming to me, all of them are coming in great numbers, to receive help and to learn to love and be empowered. They are coming to me and cannot stop coming.

free clairvoyance and loving my brain

As of today I am starting to offer free clairvoyance to people who are interested. I have one lady who is coming on Monday. I tried this with my friend H on the phone and I was so right. It was amazing! I was right about things. So great!
I have not done it in person yet, but I will try it on Monday. I went to my teacher T yesterday to get his feedback into some of the problems and he gave me so much support and help. I am so grateful to him. I am going to write him a letter telling him big THANK YOU. ALl I understood is that I have the skills and see very good pictures and all I need is practice, practice, practice.

I did not post about abundance day 42, but I did it anyway yesterday even though it was so late and I was so tired.
I have also been feeling quite unhappy so I decided to just do self-healing focusing on love for 30 days again. Only focusing on self-love. Yesterday I loved my fatty stomach that has been bothering me. Today I have been loving my left hemisphere that is so logical. I saw it as a child and I saw that it was crying and was not happy because it felt I do not like it anymore. I felt it was like a rivalry between the left (logical) and right (creative and visual) parts of my brain. I also saw a picture of the two of them play together like two children and asked if I saw a future past or present and I got the answer that this is the future. THey were playing like two kids in the sandbox, but today the left brain is very jealous of my attention to the right brain. So I comforted it as much as I could.

I have also become SUPER sensitive to food. I can sense if the food is fresh, or has been frozen and also if the food is good for me or not. I clearly feel now that I am attracted to specific foods. It is very strong. Quite amazing.

I also have not had my period now for almost 3 weeks but I do not think I am pregnant. This is some hormonal thing going on.

More on prosperity thing today.

Monday, December 3, 2007

day 41

I am God, I am almighty, I can do all. Inside me is this infinite source of love. My clients are sensing this love, and they are coming to me. They are kocking on my doors. I am ready for them, I am ready to receive them, ready to help them. They come to me unhappy and leave happy. They come feeling unloved and leave feeling loved. They have a feeling that they are in touch with the source of love inside them as it is my purpose - to connect them with this source inside themselves. They come and leave happy and they send their friends, relatives, acquaintances so that they would come and get in touch with the source of love, to realize that they are divine beings, who are worthy of love and who are loved by all and everyone. My home is filled with people who want my help, so many that I need to quit my job and help people full time. I am able to manifest that I am able to live comfortably as the prosperity is the source inside me that is tied to my limitless source of love.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Day 40

I believe with all my being in the principle of abundance. I place trust in God that I am getting whatever is best for me. i believe and accept what is the divine will as with every move and every choice come lessons learned. I have a lot of love, I have this infinite source of love that is needing to come out. The clients are waiting and they are coming to me. they are coming to me to receive and to give. I have an infinite source of knowledge and wisdom that is flowing. It is flowing out of my mind and my heart to the clients that come and pay me with pleasure. they cannot thank me enough, they are eternally grateful for the help and love I am giving to them.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

manicure and other things

I did get a manicure as a reward for myself. The girl who did it was not good though. I look forward to getting manicure/pedicure in Germany. I want to do something nice for myself as I finish this prosperity program. I want to do it for 50 days, not 40 days. New things are coming to me.

I did learn yesterday that my colleague, M is going to quit at the end of December. So I may be able to get his job. I feel that my heart doesn't want to leave my current company. Should I cut it off, should I take this other job to which I agreed? I should speak with M's boss if there are opportunities in his department. I should think about it.

day 39

When I connect with the source of love inside me, I am in the flow. Love flows into me, through me and out of me, giving to me and to my clients. I am loved, I am loving, I am LOVE. With love flowing out and me giving it to myself and others, I receive from myself and others. Thus abundance is inside me as I give, I receive. As I give without any limitations, I receive without any limitations.